More Than That // Cameron Dallas

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Two years ago.

'Come on, (Y/N). Ride me harder.' Cam breathed out.

I was riding him, hard but was still teasing him.

'Why would I do that?' I asked him teasing.

'Come here you fuck.' He pulled my face to his, harsh and kissed me as hard as possible.

I moaned into his mouth and I was riding him good since everytime I went down on him, I would feel his length hit my G-spot. I was getting closer and closer to my climax and moaned again.

Our tongues fought for dominance and I felt a knob form in my stomach. Without a warning I came all over him. I felt him twitch inside me and he let go of me.

We both tried to catch our breath while I was riding out our climaxes.

I got off of him and he took of the filled condom.

'I will see you tomorrow, Cam.' I told him after got into my underwear, my sweatpants and put on my bra. I grabbed my hoodie and threw it over my head. I put on my converse and walked to his balcony. I opened his door quietly.

'Goodnight (Y/N).' I smiled to him before I closed his balcony door quietly. I walked to his balcony fence and climbed over it. I lowered myself and slowly let myself hang to his balcony edge. I let myself fall into the grass and landed onto my feet. I had done that a million times before so I was kind of a pro in doing it.

It was our routine. Texting eachother, coming over, having sex and then leave. We were friends with benefits. I liked him that's why I gave into the idea of being friends with benefits. I knew that we never would be more than that, so this was my only change to be with him eventho it kinda sucked.

I mean at school we never really talked a lot, we had one class together for one year, he would sit next to me tho but that was only because we were partners in that one class, we had together. If we weren't partners than we wouldn't know eachother and probably had never met.

He told me that I was beautifull and smart and we just started talking. We saw eachother after school and hung out. Nobody knew anything about that but I didn't care, I was spending time with him and I liked it a lot.

It went on for a year and two months to be exact. It ended over him not wanting to continue it, he never told me why but it just ended. 

Eitherway, after that one year of being in class together and being friends with benefits for a bit longer than a year, we never spoke to eachother again. I somehow forgot about him, after a long time of being a bit heartbroken, because he was now one of the most popular boys at our school. I never paid attention to him, all the girls swoon over him and I never wanted to pay attention to him again after our little adventure.

I was glad that I actually didn't care about him anymore. It took me 8 months to get over him and to get to the point where I was now: The point that I didn't need him anymore. It was much easier that way. I had my own group of friends and was totally fine with not being the popular one.


I was eating my lunch while talking to my bestfriend. 

'Yeah, soo  tonight is Tom's party. Are you going (Y/N)?'

I smiled. 'Ofcourse, Are you?' I asked her.

'What do you think?' I smiled knowing that she liked Tom a lot so ofcourse she would go.

Tom was a popular guy but somehow he hung out with Eva a lot. Eventhough she wasn't as popular as him, he didn't seem to give a shit about that. That's what I liked about him, he gave Eva his full attention even when everyone was looking at him. Something nobody ever did for me.

'Ooh Cam is checking you out.' She told me while looking behind me.

'You know I think he likes you, he always seems to have his eyes on you. Did you ever noticed that?' She asked me.

I shook my head, nobody knew about our history together and I wasn't planning on telling anyone either.

'Yeah, right. You are delusional.' I giggled and shook my head again.

'No, I mean it (Y/N). I think he has a thing for you.'

'Stop it.' I told her firmly.

'What? Is there something wrong with him? He is looking mighty fine so why not? I mean not as fine as Tom ofcourse but you know what I mean.' She dug into her lunch again and she was surprised by Tom when he suddenly stood behind her and scared her. 

 She let out a scream and looked at him. She placed her hand infront of her mouth and giggled.

'TOM!' She said loud. ' You scared the crap out of me.' He hugged her while he still stood behind her and she looked up at him.

'So are you coming tonight?' He asked me.

'Sure!' I told him with a smile. 'I will take Eva with me.' I smiled at her.

'Oooh, (Y/N). I promised Tom to help him set up everything. If you are alright with it ofcourse.' Eva told me while looking at me with a slightly guilt expression for not telling me earlier.

'No, It's totally fine. I will see you guys later then.' I smiled at them and they smiled back at me.

'Okay, I will see you later, babe. (Y/N), don't leave me hanging.' He held his fist out for me to give him a fistbump. I laughed and didn't leave him hanging.

He walked back to the popular table and began to talk to Cameron. I turned to see him talking and they both looked at me. I quickly turned back around to face Eva.

'He totally has a thing for you.' She told me and shook her head.

After school I went home and ate dinner. I listened to my music until it was eight o'clock. The party would start at nine o'clock so I would have an hour to get ready. I showered that morning so my hair was perfectly fine, all I had to do was straighten it. After I was done with my hair, I put on eyeliner, mascara and a light coloured lipstick.

I grabbed my black skinny jeans, a wide white T-shirt which fell off my shoulder at one side. I wore my golden chain necklace and my converse. I walked downstairs and grabbed my black leather jacket from the coat rack and walked over to my mom who was watching TV.

'Mom, I'm going, don't stay up. I will text you when I'm on my way home.' I smiled to her and gave her a kiss.

'Okay Honey, be safe okay? If there is something up, just give a call and I will pick you up.' She told me.

My Mom was the best. She was so relaxed but she still protected me too much sometimes. She had to do it all by herself since my Dad left her when I was two years old. I did perfectly fine without him and my Mom was okay with being alone. Atleast she acted like she was, I wasn't completely convinced of her act but there wasn't a lot I could do about it. 

'I will, love you!' I told her. 'Love you more.' She told me before I walked out of the door with my keys and my phone.

I was ready for the party, or atleast I thought I was.

More Than That // Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now