Make Me

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I finally arrived at Tom's, it was a ten minute drive and I would be sober the whole evening so i drove to his house instead of walking. At least that was the plan, to stay sober.

I parked my small car and got out. I locked my car and walked to Tom's house.

It was only 09:20 PM but there were already a lot of people inside of the house.

I rang the doorbell and Tom opened the door.

'Heeey (Y/N). I'm glad you came, come in.' I smiled and walked into his house. I had never been to his house before but it was big, crowded and the music was blasting through the huge speakers. There was a strong alcohol smell hanging in the air and Tom lead me to the kitchen where I saw Eva, talking to Cameron.

I sighed but luckily nobody heard it. It was a lot more quiet in the kitchen than any other place in the house. You were able to talk to eachother and that was almost impossible if you were standing in the livingroom.

I walked up to them while walking behind Tom.

'Heeeey (Y/N).' Eva gave me a hug and Cam looked at me, not showing any emotion.

'Hiiii.' I said to Eva. 'Let me get you something to drink.' Eva told me. 'I will walk with you.' Tom told Eva. And then they were gone, just like that. They left me with Cameron in the kitchen. The only people in the kitchen besides me and Cam, were a boy and a girl who were sucking eachothers faces off. Great! That wasn't going to safe me from this awkward situation either.

'Baby, I'm preying on you tonight.' He slowly stroke his index finger over the side off my face. He had a smirk on his face and looked intense at me.

'Prey all you want but I won't give in. Go hook up with a slut of yours.' I told him while giving him a satisfied smirk since I actually came back with a pretty good come back, if I say so myself.

'Oh but baby, you don't have any options. I will make you, just like the old days. You can run away all you want but I will hunt you down. If you think that you can hide then you're wrong because I will find you and I will make you.' He told me while I turned around and walked away.

He was probably drunk. He was actually creeping me out a little. I shook his words off while I walked to the crowded living room.

I saw a bottle of red coloured Vodka and walked straight to it. Fuck staying sober, I could walk home.

I grabbed a red cup, how cliché, and poured some of the liquid in it. I didn't know what it tasted like but I couldn't care less. I filled the rest of my cup with a random soda and took a sip.

Nice, it tasted not that bad. I felt it burn in my throat and I looked around, scanning the people in the room.

Nobody interesting, some sluts, some populars guys, I didn't know most of them. But there wasn't anybody who was interesting to me. I saw Luke standing next to a girl who tried to get his attention. He looked at me and smirked. He looked back to the girl who was trying so hard and I continued looking around.

I must admit that I missed hooking up with Cam these past eight months. I didn't have sex with anyone other than Cameron this past year. He wasn't my first, that's what made it less special or at least that's what made it more easy for me to not attach to him that easily.

I began to move my feet while drinking my drink. I hummed along to the song that came on and kept looking around. Eva and Tom were nowhere to be found.

After I drank two cups of alcohol and after I danced my feet off, they were still nowhere to be found but luckily Cameron wasn't anywhere to be seen either.

I walked to the hallway but before I could place my hand on the doorhandle, from which I assumed was the bathroom, I was pulled against someone from behind.

I wasn't reacting that fast so before I could turn around I felt a hot breath against my neck.

'Walk upstairs.' I reconized the voice immediately, Cameron.

'Why would I?' I asked him without looking at him.

He pushed me more into him, I felt a bulge against my behind.

'Because I want you to.' He told me huskily in my ear, it kinda turned me on, a lot.

'Make me because I don't want you, Cam.' I decided to play hard to get. I would make it seem like I really didn't want him, like he had to force me while I actually liked it.

'You will beg me for more, baby. Trust me. Now walk upstairs before I have to fucking drag you.' He told me harsh into my ear. It only made my will to protest stronger and it made me wanting him more and more.

I kept standing still, not moving at all.

'I'm counting to three if you don't start walking by then I will fuck you so hard that you aren't able to walk tomorrow.' He breathed into my ear.

'Cam, Baby. There you are.' Emma came walking up to us and Cam let go of me.

'Heeey Em.' They were kind of dating and they were kind of not dating. You see Cam never really had a relationship with anyone. If he fucked a girl she would keep going after him and he would only use them when he wanted to. He was a player, he fucked every girl he wanted but still Emma wanted him bad.

Cam faced Emma. Emma was the most popular girl at school and ofcourse she wanted Cameron just like everyone else, except for me. I knew better.

I turned around aswell and started to walk back to the livingroom.

Cam watched me walking away but didn't say a word.

I walked back to the livingroom and saw Eva and Tom kissing in the corner. I sighed and walked towards them.

I tapped Eva on her shoulder and it took her a minute to get free from Tom. She turned around and faced me.

'Heeey (Y/N). There you are.' I smiled to her. She had to talk really loud because of the music.

'I'm going home, thanks for inviting me Tom. I had a great time.' I yelled to him. I smiled to him and he held his fist out for me to give him a fistbump. I didn't leave him hanging and told Eva that I would see her later.

I would walk home since I drank alcohol. I walked to the door and left the house that was filled with people, the smell of alcohol and loud music.

It was relaxed outside. It was silent and dark and a bit cold but still nice.

I started to walk out of the frontyard but was caught by surprise when someone pulled me close from behind.

I let out a scream and turned my head around. I faced Luke, the boy who I saw earlier tonight. A friend of Tom and Cam. He was drunk as fuck and smirked at me.

'Let me go.' I told him firmly.

'We are going to have some fun.' He slurred.

'I don't think so.' I told him and the strong smell of alcohol filled my nose.

'You're drunk and I want to go home so leave me alone, Luke.' He was good looking but that's all. He wasn't that clever so he had to get it from his looks. I don't really know why he's still at our school but I couldn't care less.

'But I want to have some fun so you are coming with me.' He was going to lift me off my feet but he was stopped by someone clearing their throat.

We both looked around and saw Cameron standing next to the door, he walked up to us and looked at us.

'I think you should listen to the lady, Luke. So get the fuck away from her and don't you ever dare to come close to her again because I will cut off your balls.' Cam said to him in a quite calm tone but he was ready to punch Luke if he had to.

Luke let go of me and backed off.

'You can have her, she probably wouldn't be any good anyway.' He huffed and tried to walk away, it was more keeping himself balanced than walking but whatever.

I looked at Cameron.

'Thank you.' I told him. 

More Than That // Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now