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Severus often went out on his late night walks. He liked the silence, and the comforting darkness. It gave him time to think about things. In fact, as he was thinking about his godson Draco Malfoy, he tripped. Assuming it was just a fallen tree branch or something, he kicked it, and to his shock and unmasked horror he realised it was a girl. He lit his wand and held it up to her face. No...No... It couldn't be. But... It was. Hermione Granger. Bloody and bruised, but it was definitely her. He quickly scooped up her unconscious body from the muddy, wet ground and apparated them to his home in Spinners End. He gently laid her down on the couch and hurried away to fetch some potions which she would surely need. When he came back, he saw 3 death eaters grinning and staring hungrily at the young woman. Oh dear Merlin, why now! She stirred slightly and pushed herself up onto her elbows. Instead of showing fear like Severus expected, she glared at the men. When the biggest, roughest looking one started to brush his thumb against her cheek, she simply looked him right in the eyes and stared him down.
"You got the girl, Severus."
"Yes, I'm taking her to the dark lord now."
Severus quickly dropped the bottles and vials on the table and walked over to girl, who stared at him with a look of hatred, anger and betrayal. Looking at her, he tried to tell her with his black onyx eyes that he was sorry and he was on her side. He grabbed her arm and they apparated to Malfoy Manor. Hermione zoned out as she concentrated on fighting for consciousness and unfortunately for her, it was he-who-must-not-be-named icy stare that caught her attention.
The pain was everywhere, like millions of fireworks exploding inside her but she wouldn't scream out. She wouldn't make a nouse, she wouldn't give him that. She blacked out,praying she wouldn't wake up.

Keep fighting my loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora