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The room was empty. She was thankful. She ignored the tray of food and looked around the room for somewhere to sleep where she wouldn't be seen by anyone walking in. In the end, she curled up between the bookshelf and the wall, wrapping herself up in the now-dry towel. Without meaning to, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
"Shit. Hermione?! Hermione!"
Startled, she jumped and hit her head on the bookcase and he ran to her looking worried.
"Mione why is there so much blood o-"
"Sorry. Sorry, sorry. Meant to clean that earlier but I fell asleep. Don't worry, won't happen again. Episkey."
The towel was completely clean and neatly folded and he stared between it and her in utter disbelief.
"No, that isn't what I meant. You need a blood replenishing potion. Why didn't you sleep in the bed. I'm going to move you there. I need to heal you."
"I have to."
"I said no. Still don't want to kill me?"
"No of course not. Please,I just want to help you. At least eat something."
"I'm not hungry."
"Look. You need help. It's okay to let people in."
She thought about it. She really did- Part of her wanted to say yes to his kind offers. To tell him everything. To let her body heal. But she couldn't .
"Hermione. Listen to me. You can't leave. Everyone knows where you are. They'd find you as soon as you leave and capture you. And torture you."
As he watched her, her cold exterior seemed to melt away and she stared straight into his grey eyes.
She caught herself and he internally sighed in frustration.
"I don't need your help. I'm fine."
"You're bleeding really badly. I'm going to help you. Just trust me. Please."
When she didn't reply, he carefully picked her up and and carried her over to the bed, smiling slightly despite everything when he looked down at his secret love sleeping in his arms.
"Holy shit." Draco muttered as he studied her. In her sleep, her glamours slipped and I was terrifying for him. He sent a patronus to Severus before pulling off her jumper, jeans and boots. He didn't even notice his Godfather enter.
"Oh Merlin."
"You're going to need to move if you want to help her."
The two Slytherin men worked side by side long into the night - fixing bones, stitching wounds, healing skin. By morning, Draco thanked Severus and got into bed beside the Gryfinndor princess, his head whirling with thoughts. Why did she hide it? How did she hide it? Why wouldn't she want help?
He fell asleep.

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