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Draco awoke to his mother shaking him frantically.
"Draco! Wake up!" She whispered.
"Wha- What time-" He was silences by the eerie sounds echoing down the hallway. Bellatrix cackling manically and Hermione defiantly yelling back at her.
"You should lock your room at all times. Bella was bored. Just be ready for the girl. Stay her, Bella will be done with her soon."
His mother slipped out the room and he started pacing. This was all his fault. How could he have been so careless! He'd told her he'd look after her. What if she wouldn't trust him again. She could've been dead because of him... he only stopped when Bellatrix opened the door and threw the girl, his girl, in. When she left, he locked the door and silenced the room as he ran to Hermione. She was trying to say something but he couldn't quite hear it.
"Yeah. I'm sorry Mione, I really am, I-"
"Wasn't you."
"I should've helped you."
"Don't need help."
"You know you're making it worse by yelling at her."
"I know."
"Then why do you do it?"
"Because I won't give up yet. I'll stand up for what I believe in until I die."
She paused for a moment before continuing thoughtfully, " Which may be sooner than later."
"No. Don't say that."
"I'm serious. Stay with me Hermione."
They were interrupted by knocking at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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