chapter 18: kyle kuzma and his ex

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a/n: kurk lee jr


even though i havent had enough sleep i made my way to school glowing and happy, i dont know what is it about kyle that has this effect on me. i saw jordana and a few of my friends formed in a group at the corner of our classroom, i waved hi to them and i giddily walk towards them.

"look how happy she iiissss." jordana said when i sat on one of the chairs with them.

"well girl thats how you boutta be when youre dating kyle kuzma." regina chuckled, i blushed at what she said.

"We're not dating." i informed them as i tuck my loose curls behind my ear.

"whats the real deal then?" audrey ask as she smiled through her phone, she prolly texting her bf- aden. love those two they've been together for almost three years and their relationship has been really healthy.

"you know things are just pretty tight." i shrugged, she nodded but then she frowned.

"hold up." she said and scrolled on her phone with furrowed eyebrows and then she gave it to me.

i curiously check what is it and booiii- my heart fucking stop and im not even exaggerating, its like i stopped breathing

Kyle Kuzma caught kissing an anonymous girl at next door lounge bar in L.A. last night

i read the title on the new article of tmz.

and there's a picture of kyle kissing a blonde girl, her back is facing the camera and i couldn't really make out her face. and goddamn im hurt, ive never felt this type of hurt ever what the fuck is this?

i scrolled down to see more

there's kyle laughing and smiling at her, i bite my lip to refrain myself from fucking crying coz BITCH i never cried for no man since i discovered my dad has been cheating on my mom so its a no no. i swallowed the building lump on my throat and read whats written under the pictures.

kyle kuzma is caught kissing with girl on a night club. what happened to adrienne ball who's been pretty close to him at the lakers last game for this season?

and blah blah blah

but hey one thing im good at is not caring at all but its not working right now so pretending will do its work.

i smirked and gave her phone back.
"as what ive said we aint dating, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants and its the same for me." i shrugged.

"ehh it looks like you guys are getting pretty serious." audrey said and i can sense that she's worried.

"well boo as you can see, we aint." i gestured on whats in her phone.

"what is that anyway?" jordana butted in and grabs audrey's phone, i waited to see her reaction but she's just like "meh, this aint it chief." and hand the phone to regina so she can also look at it, and then jordana looked at me and i just shrug like its nothing.

wooowww whatta spoiled day, you know what i dont care- i know who the fuck am i so this shouldn't be affecting me anyway.

the day passed by in a blur and then i saw melo waiting for me again outside mt class, i run towards him and greeted him with a smile.

"what is it again huuuuh?" and as usual he hook his arm around my neck and walk with me.

"do you remember kurk?" he asked.

"yeah i do, from drexel right?" he nodded in response, he's a friend of melo and dad know's kurk's father sooo yep. he's a nice guy and very funny.

"eehh he's inviting me to his game in philadelphia tomorrow and he wants you to come also." i squinted my eyes, hmmm that little boy- he never gives up does he?

"come on you know he has a big crush on you, give him this." fine, this would be a good distraction and besides its weekend tomorrow- no school.

"okay I'll go, I'll book a flight for tomorrow when i get home."

"we wont be able to catch up in his game if were going tomorrow bro." he rolled his eyes and looked at me like 'duh common sense'

"I already got the tickets, these has been with me for quite a week." i frowned at him.

"for quite a week huh? then youre just gonna tell me right now?" and now this is my turn to roll my eyes.

"well at first i know you wouldnt be interested because youre always with kyle then i already knew you saw the thing in tmz soooo." melo shrugged, i sighed.

"we'll be going off at 8 pm so we can be there at 11 okay? kurk said it would be more convenient for us if we'll stay at their house soooo go home and pack your bags ill pick you up at like 7:30? okay bye takecare." he just started talking i didnt get the chance to respond and then he kissed my forehead and head on the other way.

and this is defenitely what i like about my brothers, free trips and travel everywhere!!! i could never say no to these.

and then i was shook when i felt my phone vibrated on my pocket, well guess who? its kyle kuzma calling. i sighed and felt a pang of pain in my chest when i saw his name, i shook my head as if it would really get him off my mind.

i get on my car and play my jam playlist in a shuffle and non stop by drake came, i just dance myself on my way home because im really excited about this trip. havent been in philadelphia since ben and i are, you know.

and speaking of ben, man i miss him. promised him a friendship and told him we could hang out sometimes but i never kept my word because i know it would just get worse for him.

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