ii. hufflepuff love and expulsion

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"Now you got a bad bitch, show me you can handle this"

"Here's your schedule" Snape announced in a dry tone, thrusting a piece of paper into her hands as they walked into the dungeons. Anais raised her eyebrows at the sight of her classes.

"Two potions lessons in one day?! That's torture, not classes" she accused him with disbelief.

"All objections to the headmaster. It's not my business" he just kept on walking, without giving her even a gaze.

"I think it is. As far as I know-"

"You... know... wrong" then he turned his face to her. "You really have no respect for others, miss Rosier"

"I have respect only for those who reciprocate it or are worthy of it" Anais invaded him and after telling the password, walked to the dormitory full of anger.

Severus was left alone in the hall. He knew there will be a problem with her, that's why he couldn't leave it that way. He had to admit that her name ran through his ears once and her face wasn't completely unknown. But for now, his job was to abolish her in his house.

Meanwhile, Anais came to the girls' room and literally, threw herself on the bed. That wasn't what she promised to herself. That wasn't the way she wanted to be. How could everything ruin in the first day?

"I've heard your conversation with Snape" suddenly Judith spoke, who had the bed next to Anais's. "Nobody has been able to speak to him in this way since I can remember. Or even since he's been teaching here. You have my respect, girl. Do you think he's looking for the worst way to punish you now?" the girl laughed at the question, she asked.

"I hope he will find something interesting" Anais joked, and turned herself on the right side to fall asleep.

The next day began like an ordinary day. In addition to the fact that Anais had to adapt to the new schedule of the day.

Breakfast at 7am
DADA (favorite subject)
Ancient Runes

Lunch time. Anais wasn't tired yet. The schedule in the school to which she walked before was more demanding. She tried not to think about the upcoming two potions for now. It was the subject which she hated the most. And to make her life difficult, Snape was a master of this subject. It couldn't be worse.

"Five minutes to hell" the girl admitted when she was standing with Judith in the hall. During all her life, she didn't feel the desperation she felt, right then. Also, this uniform was the most uncomfortable thing in the world.

"It's going to be just fine. Like a normal lesson, you'll see" she tried to cheer her up but Anais just faked her smile and hoped that she was right.

After a moment, all students were in the room. They sat, waiting for the honorable professor. It was a good mix. Slytherins, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclavs in one room. Anais didn't know anyone except Judith and several other Slytherins.

She sat with the potions book in front of her. During years in French school, she couldn't even make a simple elixir. Mrs. Yang wasn't the best teacher, and she never put any attention at the most important things which was on the
O.W.L. that's why most of the students didn't pass it, and Anais was hostile to this subject.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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