{004|| To Catch A Thief}

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The trio had made it to Endercon, Petra was talking about her deal. "So. When we're making the deal. I need you two to let me do the talking, okay? I just don't want anything to screw this up. Or-- anyone"

"Sure, me and Jesse will let you handle it" Fawn agreed.

"And, if you guys want to be really useful, try to look intimidating" Petra suggested.

"Like this?" Jesse asked, placing on the toughest look he could do.

"I'm less scared- of you than scared- for you" Fawn grinned.

"Jesse! Fawn!" Axel's voice was heard behind them.

"... and... Petra?" Olivia asked, puzzled once she saw the red head.

"Hey, you all know Petra... me and Fawn's new super-close friend. We're super-close now" Jesse said, trying to act cool. Petra face palmed herself.

Fawn rolled her eyes. "We all ran into each other while we were looking for Reuben"

"Poor Reuben-- what happened to his eye?" Olivia asked, feeling sympathy as she saw his black eye.

"We had a little run in with some zombies" Jesse explained. "They hurt him good, but Reuben held his own"

"What were you doing in the woods, Petra?" Axel asked her.

"Nothing. Just... drawn by the sounds of Jesse's high-pitched screams" Petra responded, causing Fawn to chuckle.

Jesse glared at her before continuing the story, "We would've been spider-bait if she hadn't found us"

"I gotta admit" Axel began, looking at the beacon behind them. "I'm pretty bummed that they won... again"

"I mean, there's no way we were going to let you and fawn go after Reuben yourselves, but..." Olivia paused. "It's okay to be a LITTLE disappointed, right?"

"Or, like, a lot disappointed?" Axel corrected.

"The saddest of the sad sacks?" Olivia looked at the beacon, shining in the night sky.

"Cheer up, guys-- we'll get 'em next year!" Fawn cracked a smile, hoping they would too.

"I dunno, Fawn" Olivia stared at her gloomy.

"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is sad" Axel replied. Jesse gazed at him, wondering what he just said.

"Hey, if at first you don't succeed... then, uh," Petra struggled to find the words. "succeed later than originally planned" She glanced at Jesse and Fawn. "Hey. It's time to go see about that-- thing"

"Oh, right. The "thing"' Jesse agreed.

"Subtle," Olivia commented.

"Yeah?" Jesse grinned.

"As a punch to the face. Axel and I were gonna head into Endercon anyway-- see you both there?" Olivia spoke her farewells.

"I heard somebody saying there's free cake by the map booth..." Axel said, walking away with Olivia.

"Hurry-- we're supposed to meet in the alley over there" Petra pointed to a dark, creepy alley.

"Dark. Dark. Very dark in here" Fawn uttered as they went inside.

"That's weird" Petra stopped walking. "he said the dark, creepy alley close to the gates, but he's not here. Maybe he's late"

"Are you sure THIS is the dark, creepy alley he meant?" Jesse asked.

"Hmm. I WAS" Petra replied. "Okay, new plan. You two stay here just in case this IS the spot he meant, and I'll look around. I guess I could have heard him wrong. Then again, I never gotten a meat-up spot wrong before. But then why would he be late?"

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