"What does he want to talk to me about." (Part 3)

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Roger P.O.V

We walked back inside and saw that Freddie had ordered more drinks. As Brian and I sat down I downed my drink, sank into my seat and looked down.

"You said you didn't want to drink and your drowning your drin-."

Before He could finish I cut him off.

"I need to take some stuff off my mind and quickly."

I respond. Freddie didn't respond he just went to talk to John and Brian. The three of them were chatting about who the fuck knows and I was quiet, I was thinking that maybe Brian was just saying those things to be nice, he's probably stright. Just then my thoughts were interrupted by the waitress coming up to our table.

"Do you gentlemen want anything to eat or can I get you more drinks."

My thoughts stopped and I looked up at her.

"More drinks would be nice and breadsticks for now."

Freddie asked her, clearly wasted.

"Alright, I have put you on hold with the drinks, I'm sorry and I'll be right back."

She responded and walked away.

"Look who shouldn't have driven here, I mean she's pulling you back at two drinks."

I say jokingly to Freddie.

"Oh shut up Roger, at least I'm not the one who says 'I don't want to drink' and them proceeds to down both of my drinks."

He tryed to do an impression of me but horribly failed, It's clear that he's offended.

"But here's the thing, you did down your drinks." John adds.

"Oh shut the fuck up, both of you."

"Does that mean I can add a side comment."

Brian continues. Freddie just went into the sinking position I was in earlier.

"You seem more preppy then before."

John tells me.

"Yeah well, the drinks are helping, and by the looks of it, it went to Fred."

I say laughing. Freddie just scoffs.
"I won't be able to remember most of this, so why not have fun and make horrible decisions and what not."

I say very energized.

"Fair enough." Brian adds.

Brian P.O.V

I was thinking about what Roger had said and so I thought that later in the night I would make a decision that both of us would forget.

~Half an hour later~

Roger P.O.V

We had about 5 more glasses of the Spirytus Rekt-hfofvdfu shit, but who knows, and Brian tapped me on the shoulder and I looked in is direction.

"Meet me in the bathroom, I need to talk to you."

He whispered and then he got up. I just had a confused look on my face and slowly started to stand up. What the fuck does he want to talk to me about? I guess only time will tell.

Hello children, thank you for reading again.

467 words

My cars name is Brian May (A Maylor fanfic) ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now