"I wanted to make it official" (Part 12)

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Roger P.O.V

Brian pulled away from the kiss and he stared into my eyes. He pulled the skirt down just pass my knees and I helped him take it off the rest of the way. We were both now nude once again and I held the counter as Brian went to turn on the water. He started the shower and turned to me. I made a few steps towards him, still holding onto the counter, until I had to stretch to reach it. Brian had his hand out and I held it as I let go of the counter. I stumbled a little, but managed to catch myself before I fell to the ground.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'll need help getting into the bath." I say as I slowly start standing up again.

"No problem." I blinked and Brian had picked me up again. I held onto him and I lightly placed my head on his chest. We stepped into the bath and the hot water hit Brian's back and he slowly placed me down again.

~20 minutes later~

Roger P.O.V

Twenty minutes passed and we had finished in the shower. Brian turned off the water and opened the shower curtain. I went to step out and I started falling forwards from the pain. I closed my eyes and I felt Brian quickly grab my hand. I slowly opened my eyes to see that my face was mere centimeters from the ground. My breath started gradually speeding up and I held onto Brian's hand tighter, he pulled me in and I held onto him.

"T- thank you, I am so so so sorry." I say, my voice a little shaken. I slowly felt tears start to form and I then felt multiple fall down my cheeks, before I knew it, I was holding onto Brian as tight as I possibly could and balling my eyes out.

"Hey, theres no need to cry, what's wrong?" Brian seemed worried, and to be honest, that made me cry more. I didn't answer him, I just needed to hold onto him.

"Rog, talk to me... please."

"I- I'm sorry, I d-don't know what I was thinking, I forgot about the pain, I'm a-an idiot a-and-." Before I could finish my rambling, Brian pulled my face into a passionate kiss. He released and looked into my eyes.

"First of all, your not an idiot, second of all, it's alright, no need to apologize and thirdly, it's not your fault, I get that you forgot the pain." Him reassuring me really helped me slow down on the crying, like, alot.

"T-thanks Bri, that helped."

"Anythig for you, now, we should probably get dried and dressed." I smiled and nodded my head yes. Once again, Brian picked me up and brought me outside of the tub. He put me down, grabbed towels for us and wraped me in mine, he then picked me up once again and went to the bedroom.

~One day later~

Roger P.O.V


I woke up Monday morning and I was expecting Bri ro be by my side, but I had forgotten that he had driven me home, I already missed being in his loving embrace that I had come to be all to familiar with. I turned over and I only had very small amounts of pain, nothing to bad, it was small enough to where I could stand up. I walked out to my kitchen and poured myself some cereal, I was to tired to make anything else. I slumped down on the couch and started eating, I went to go grab Brian's hand, but stores immediately, I'm used to having him next to me. I threw my head back on the couch and sighed, I missed being with him. I felt a tear slowing fall down my cheak, followed by another and another, I blinked and I was curled up on my couch crying over the fact that I can't be independent, the fact that I am to dependent on others. About three minutes of me trying to stop crying passed and I heard my phone ring. I looked down to see that John was calling me. I took a breath and answered it.

My cars name is Brian May (A Maylor fanfic) ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now