three | third person

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            "C'mon, babe, we're going to be late to the party!" Mitch groaned as Violet applied the remainder of her makeup.

"Alright, let's go." The brunette girl said and sighed, getting out of the car.

They walked hand-in-hand into Liam's house, being greeted by many of their friends.

Mitch kissed Violet's hand before saying, "i'm going to go talk to Joe, alright?"

"Okay, I'm going to go talk to Bianca." She replied, looking in the different of the Australian.

They parted their ways, Violet greeting Bianca.

"What's that on your neck?" The Australian asked, pointing to a bruise on Violet's neck.

"What?" She asked, putting a hand up to her neck.

Bianca took out a small hand-mirror from her bag and handed it to Violet.

The brunette held it up to her neck, searching for the bruise; she let out a small gasp as she noticed what it was. A hickey caused by Mitch the day before.

"Oh my God," She breathed out, running a hand over the slightly red hickey. Did my parents see it? She thought.

"Better cover it up before more people start to question it." Bianca informed, finally understanding what it was.

"Do you have any concealer?" Violet asked, looking over at Bianca.

She nodded and said, "Follow me to the bathroom, I'll cover it up for you."

They walked into the bathroom, Bianca pulled out her makeup bag searching for the concealer.

She found it, opening up the container facing towards Violet.

"Tilt your head a bit." Bianca said.

Violet obeyed, tilting her head to the left, giving Bianca access to the hickey. She spread a swatch of the concealer on it, patting it down onto Violet's skin with a brush. Afterwards, she put some loose powder over it.

"Done. All covered up! Not a single piece of evidence that you had a hickey." Bianca said satisfied.

Violet looked into the mirror of the bathroom, smiling. "You're the best, Bianca." She said, giving her a hug.

Bianca chuckled and hugged her back.

"No problem."

They walked out into the bathroom, back into the main room where the party was.


It was now almost one in the morning; many people had gotten drunk, along with Mitch, Joe, Liam, Ryan, Bianca, and many other people. The only one that seemed to be sober was Violet. She was a goody-two-shoes who 'didn't' drink.

She walked through the hallways of the big house, trying to find Mitch. Unsuccessful, she let out a big sigh before slumping down onto the couch. The music was still blasting so you could barely makeout what anyone was saying.

Two people had sat down next to Violet, but she was too busy scrolling through Twitter to even care. They were eating each others faces off, as if they were the only people in the room.

"Mm, more." The girl moaned. She had a thick American accent, unlike many people at the party.

Disgusting. Violet thought, crinkling her nose.

She looked over at the two, only to see Mitch and Lily snogging. Her eyes grew wide as she stood up, hovering over the two.

"What the fuck?!" She exclaimed, looking down at Mitch with her hands to either side of her hips.

Mitch immediately pulled away from Lily, looking at both girls. "Babe, I can explain." He said, trying to reassure Violet.

"Save it, Mitch! We're done, that was your last chance." She protested as tears fell down her cheek.

"Let me explain!" He shouted over the music.

"No, I'm done with you!" She cried out, running away from him to the other side of the house where Brayden was. She found him outside with Ryan and Bianca, rushing over to them.

"Brayden?" She stuttered once she got close enough to them.

"Violet?" He asked, turning around to face her. "What happened?" He walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her, making smile circles on her back.

"It was Mitch... again." She said in between cries.

"What did that son of a bitch do this time?" He said in pure anger.

"He made-out with Lily right in front of me."

"Are you fucking serious?" The Canadian said, his grip on her tightening.

She nodded, tears falling onto Brayden's shirt. She took in a sharp breath before crying again.

"Stop crying," He cooed. "Everything will be alright."

"Fifth time, Brayden. Just watch, I'll be back with him by next week."

"No you won't. I'll make sure that bastard doesn't touch you."


Monday morning

Violet had woken up bright and early, her eyes still red and puffy from the events three days ago. She got out of bed, got dressed and headed out the door. She didn't bother to eat breakfast that day, she didn't bother to eat much the past three days. She would always claim that she wasn't hungry and just eat later when everyone was asleep or not at home.

She made her way into school, being greeted by Annie who was standing at Violet's locker.

"Hey, Vi. You look under-the-weather," Annie claimed.

Violet sighed, opening her locker. "Yeah, Mitch and I broke up Friday night." She informed.

"What, why?"

"I caught him making out with Lily at Liam's party."

"Oh, no. That's terrible!"

"Yeah," She said as another tear slipped from her eye. Annie quickly wiped it away before any more could fall.

"We're at school, Violet. No more crying, please?" Annie said.

"Okay, I'm trying." She sniffled.


"Violet!" Mitch said, running up to her. She ignored him and continued walking towards her locker.

"Violet." He said again, walking up to her.

Violet kept quiet as she opened her locker to get her things for her next class.

"You're seriousltly giving me the silent treatment? What, are you twelve?" He asked.

"Yeah, on a scale of one to ten." She quickly said before trying to rush to her next class.

"Haha, you're quite the comedian, aren't you?" He said sternly, grabbing her wrist, pulling her back.

"Yeah, I am."

"Look, I'm sorry about Friday, okay?"

"Sorry won't cut it, Mi-" He cut her off by pressing his lips against hers.

"Mine," He whispered.

"Not yours." She breathed.


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