four | Violet

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"Let's try the again." Mitch said in annoyance. He placed a hand under my chin, making me look in his eyes. He placed the other one on my hip. I looked into his brown eyes and fell in love all over again. Those were the same brown eyes that i fell in love with freshman year. We were now seniors and look what has happened. He got his sleeve tattoos, piercings -- i don't know how he's able to get away from trouble for having tattoos even when he wears so many tanks.

He leaned in and so did i. He gently placed his lips on mine, and I suddenly didn't have the feeling to be mad at him anymore. I melted into the kiss as it had more lust and passion. He pulled away amd rested his forehead on mine.

"Mine." He whispered.

"Yours." I breathed.


"C'mon, Violet. You need to stop going back to him!" Stella protested at me.

"I know, Stel, but i can't. Whenever i look at him, i fall in love all over again." I say and let out a half-hearted sigh.

"High school love," she mumbled. "Where everything starts to be more serious."

"Hey, what about Ethan?" I say, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Ethan is a different story! He's not the 'badass' Mitch is but atleast Ethan is kindhearted." She raised her voice.

Atleast Ethan is kindhearted. Those words kept repeating in my head. They made me build up with anger inside. Mitch is a kindhearted person. He may not seem like it but he is. Through the four years that I've known him, I've seen him at his best and his worst. He may not act like it, but he is. My fists clenched together as i tried to hold a grudge against Stella.

"Don't you fucking dare say that about Mitch, Stella." I began through gritted teeth. "It may not seem like it but Mitch is the kindest person I know."

"He's coldhearted and doesn't care about anyone but himself." She protested while shrugging.

"Don't you dare ever say that about him, he's the kindest person I've ever met!" raised my voice, throwing my hands in the air in frustration.

"Be quiet, Violet, people can hear us." She whispered.

"I don't care, i want everyone to know how judgmental you are!" I turned around towards everyone in the store, pointing at Stella.

"You're causing a scene." She mumbled, putting her head down.

"Good!" I say, walking towards the exit.


"You really said that?" Mitch says, throwing his head back in laughter.

"Yeah," I giggle. "She pissed me off but I tried to hold a grudge against her."

"That is another reason why you're my girlfriend." He leaned in and kissed my forehead, wrapping an arm around my waist. He leaned in again and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was short but sweet; I once again fell in love all over again.

"I love you," He said, resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you more." I say, closing my eyes.


Mitch and I had been watching movies all night since it was a Friday. Mitch laid on the couch while i laid on top of him in a cuddling position; my head resting on his chest. This is what I missed most about our relationship, before he started getting all the tattoos and piercings a year and a half ago. I missed the little dates we would go on before all the sex, alcohol, and drugs came along. Yes, Mitch and I used to do drugs six months ago but stopped.

"What're you thinking about, babe?" He asked, turning his full attention to me.

"The usual," i reply not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Yes, cause i definitely know what that means." He says in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up." I smile.

He placed a hand under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. He, once again, placed his lips on mine with passion and lust. He began sitting up so we were in a sitting position and placed his hands on my waist. They roamed around my waist and stomach, going under my shirt and placed themselves on my back. My arms wrapped around his neck, not separating from the kiss.

We both pulled away from the kiss, out of breath.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" He said.

I nodded. "You've said it atleast four times today." I remarked.

"Good." He said, kissing me again. His hands began removing my shirt before I flinched and stopped him. I pulled away from the kiss and looked him dead in the eye.

"Not today." I say.

yay 500+ reads!! i truly do love each and every one of you.


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