The Chat N: 5

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LoveagentSusan2002 is online.

The Blue Legend is online.

I Don't Have any crush is online.

Candy Lover is online.

Younger Fire is online.

The Two Hot Brothers are online.

The Cute Pink is online.

Fionna 15 Cartoon is online.

Ask-PBB is online.

LoveagentSusan2002: Hi guys!

All: Hi!

LoveagentSusan2002: So everyone is here?

The Blue Legend: Yeah.

LoveagentSusan2002: Ok, guys. I have a dare. It's from Syrine and she says she wants from you all to play her favorite game. The two who we'll win they have to kiss on the lips. And she knows what she's saying ok? Her favorite game is I'll ask you and you have to answer first, then we have to saw the correct answer. If it is correct, you have 2 and it's fault you have -1. Let's start.

SSSFriends20 is online.

LoveagentSusan2002 is offline.

SSSFriends20: Ok guys. The first one is for...Fionna, if you wake up as a boy, what will you do first?

Fionna 15 Cartoon: I'll flex and pout at the mirror, trying to grow a beard and some chest hair.

The Blue Legend: Yeah, I'll do the same thing.

SSSFriends20: Ok, we'll see this pic.

'Big sis, what big bro doing?' Finn asked in a female version.

'He's been flexing and pouting at the mirror every since this morning trying to grow a beard and some chest hair.' Pen said in a female version.

AshlanJames is online.

AshlanJames: 2 points to Fionna.

The Blue Legend and Fionna 15 Cartoon: *High-five* We are the goodies.

SSSFriends20: The next question, for Flame Prince.-

The Hot King is online.

Fire Red is online.

The Pink Bubba is online.

The Hot King: Sup, guys what's uuuuuppp...Yahou there are two of me.

The Hot Lee: I'm Marshall Lee, the cartoon.

The Hot Leroy: And I'm Marshall Leroy, Marshall C's big brother.

Fire Red: What are you doing guys?

Younger Fire: Playing a question answer guessing. You wanna try? If you want, you're with me.

Fire Red, The Hot King and The Pink Bubba: But what about-

The Blue Legend: I'm with Fio C.

SSSFriends20: The next question is for Flame Prince, if I put you in a room with popcorn kernels, in 20 minutes would I have a popcorn.

The Fire Red: Yes!

SSSFriends20: you have now -1. Cause this is the real answer.

'No, you're most likely only gonna get some charred coal. I mean, who cooks their popcorn in a direct flame for 20 whole minutes.'

SSSFriends20: So the next question is for Fionna, what would you do if Marshall Lee turned into a cat.

Fionna 15 Cartoon: Fionna, do you think what I'm thinking now?

The Blue Legend: If Marshall Lee was a cat I'll try to cut his hair and put a lot of bows, >:).

Fionna 15 Cartoon: Me too, >:).

SSSFriends20: The two Fionnas got 4 points. This is the right answer. Just that Fionna didn't say anything only 'Hey Marshall, Marshall~'

SSSFriends20: The next question is for Bubba, if you had to choose between going on 10 dates with Marshall and being eating alive vicious 3rd grades. Which would you pick?

The Pink Bubba and The Cute Pink: 10 dates better than eating alive.

SSSFriends: 2 points to the two Gumballs.

*after minutes*

(You can see all of them in!)

SSSFriends20: Ok, this is the results:

Fionna: 60.

Finn: 60.

Prince Gumball: 43.

Flame Prince: 23.

Marshall Lee: 14.

Pen: 57.

Marshall Leroy: 16.

The Blue Legend: She's right but can we do it in a privacy chat please?

I Don't Have Any Crush: Yeah, can we?

SSSFriends20: Alright, but because you too are cute.

The Blue Humans are disconnected.

Fionna 15 Cartoon: But I can only hug my little bro, right?

SSSFriends20: Yeah I think so.

Fionna 15 Cartoon and Candy Lover: *hugs*

All the boys except Pen and Finn: I hate being looser.

*after two hour*

The Blue Humans are connected.

HW Forgot: I'm so happy now.

I Found My Crush: Me too.

The Cute Pink: Where have you been guys?

The Hot King: Like you stayed like 1000 year in that room.

SSSFriends20: The next time we'll see what happened, beginning of when they god in the P.R. So see you tomorrow or later.

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