Part One: One Beautiful Meeting

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The sound of sweet melodies filled the small European house. A fast and difficult melody it was. It was a classical violin piece, written by the famous Niccoló Paganini. It was Paganini's 19th Caprice for violin, written for only the most skilled of violinists. This caprice was written in E flat major, which was a very happy key. But Paganini twisted the song to make it sound dark and devious in some parts, which made it very hard for the listener to believe this song was happy.

Autumn's favorite part in the song was reaching her nimble fingertips. She crossed Gossamer's beautiful strings extraordinarily fast, not missing one beat or note. Her skills were untouchable, resulting in her being the best violinist in Ameland, The Netherlands. Most of the violinists in Ameland envied her to no end, and if they weren't as skilled as she was within a short period of time, they would either completely abandon or trash their instrument! It deeply saddened Autumn to know such precious instruments were abandoned. She had sworn on her life that she herself would never abandon her dearest of loves, Gossamer, for anything or anyone.

When Autumn said Gossamer was her 'dearest of loves', she wasn't joking. Autumn was truly in love with her violin, and it was in love with her too. A love returned in full. Gossamer seemed to have a soul of his own, one with feelings, emotions, and the ability to trust. He was just as in love with Autumn as she was in love with him, maybe even more. They could never understand how a simple instrument and Dutch girl could actually fall in love with each other, it seemed nearly impossible, and had people thinking Autumn was absolutely bonkers.   

Autumn quieted the song and finished the beautiful tune, drawing out the last chord. She lowered the gorgeous violin from her shoulder, and held him in rest position. She caressed the body of her breathtaking violin, her callused fingers finding every mark of love and old age on the instrument. The bruises, the bumps and ridges, and all the little blemishes that Autumn had inflicted upon Gossamer over time, all graced her fingers. She swooned over Gossamer, she always did, no matter what the circumstance was. She was always flooded with love and emotion for her violin.

"Just why can't you be an actual person..." Autumn murmured to herself and her soulful violin, "Then people wouldn't make fun of us! They would appreciate us and our relationship... They wouldn't think I was insane..."Autumn's heart sank as she cradled her love, forever wishing it was a real man she was embracing. Never did she wish away Gossamer and his beautiful soul, but she always wished that she had never fallen in love with her violin, but that didn't matter to her now, they were perfectly happy with each other like this! Weren't they? 

"Ik hou van jou..." The violinist whispered to Gossamer in her mother tongue, the words rolling off her lips like rain rolling from a flooded gutter. Her heart pounded, wishing so hard her darling violin could show his love for her like she did for him. This was a daily habit, an obsession some might call it, that she had. Desperately praying for Gossamer to be a man... a real man... Someone who she could hold hands with, embrace in her arms, kiss, hug, and just in general have a real relationship with. This caused her daily heartache, causing her to be slightly bipolar in her thoughts for Gossamer. But, one thing that never changed, even on her worst days, was her deep undying love for him. That would never change, even if she wished he was something else.   

Autumn waltzed her way to the far side of her bedroom, and placed Gossamer on his wall hook and hung his overly priced bow next to him. She dug through her chest of drawers, attempting to find something nice to wear out. Finally, after what felt like forever, she found an absolutely adorable top to go with her skirt, which she personally called a 'hippie skirt', meaning it was long, flowy, and had whimsical designs all on it. Autumn dressed herself in her beautiful and unique style, slipped on a pair of tan gladiator sandals, and grabbed her purse to leave.

The beautiful Dutch girl with cherry red locks slipped out of her small cottage, and into the gorgeous summer day. She locked her front door quickly, and walked off into the world. The warm sun caressed her pale skin, which was desperately drinking in the sunlight like it hadn't seen it in decades. Autumn sighed with content, this was her favorite weather, and she longed for it to stay like this forever.  She smiled brightly, similar to the sun above, and walked with a skip in her step.

She walked the beautiful old streets of her hometown, visualizing faded memories as she gazed at some of the aged buildings nostalgically. The smells of several bakeries filled the atmosphere, and her nostrils, resulting in her craving some heavenly pastries. Autumn's mental map turned on, debating on which of the bakeries she should go to. She remembered her favorite bakery from when she was a child, and headed towards its direction. The sweet bakery was called 'Bakkerij De Jong', which was quite the popular place for both tourists and locals.

She walked into the building, and her senses were immediately filled with sweet smells from all the goods that were packed in this bakery. Her mouth watered hungrily, because, one, she hadn't eaten at all that day and it was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, and two, her weakness was sweets, and there were endless amounts of sweets in this place. So many sweets... Cupcakes, cakes, macarons from France, and Stroopwafels!  Even Stroopwafels, her all time favorite food, was served there.

She approached the cashier, and rambled off her order in Dutch, her words being fast and elegant. She could tell this cashier was newly hired, and was slow to put in her order. He seemed confused at a few words, his brow furrowing at some. Autumn found this newcomer awfully attractive, which made her cheeks burn slightly with a flush of sudden emotion. His hair was long and pulled back into a tight ponytail to keep it out of his face, his jaw line sharp and narrow, but his face still appeared calm and welcoming. His hair was such a beautiful shade of brown, and so were his eyes.

"Ya new here, eh..." she hesitated, searching his attire for a name tag, and then finally spotted it, "Velos?"She asked sweetly, speaking in the one common language all throughout Europe. Her English was perfect, but her strong Dutch accent made it hard for some words to be understandable.

"Yes, I am. My family and I just recently moved here from Hallstatt, Austria. Today is my first day working at Bakkerij De Jong... It's so hard not to just eat all these sweets here!" Velos answered shyly, but moments later, opening up a bit. His Austrian accent was strong and beautiful, much like Autumn's Dutch one. She laughed, agreeing with him fully about the sweets thing. The two acquaintances chattered for a few, since there was no line behind Autumn.

Finally, Autumn's name was called for her to pick up her order at the pickup station. Her and Velos slowed their conversation, and bid their goodbyes. Autumn retrieved her delicious food, and returned to Velos' register, and said one last thing to him. "Ay, we seem to enjoy each other lots, might we exchange numbers?" Autumn asked, pulling a small piece of paper out of her purse, a pen following along, "I don't have many friends other than my violin, and since you're new here, you might not have many friends either." She winked playfully at Velos, and wrote down her phone number quickly and neatly. She tore off the piece of paper that had her writing on it, and slid it to Velos. He took it and put it in his pocket, and then fumbled around, looking for a piece of paper to write his own number down on. Velos finally found paper, and hurriedly wrote the numbers down, and gave it to Autumn.

"See ya later, Velos!" Autumn announced sweetly, smiling back at her newfound friend. He returned the smile, nodding his head, and then returned back to his job. She exited the building, and back into the sweet summer world. The tulips on the side of the streets were in full bloom, the sweet smell of them filled the warm air, and kissed Autumn's sense of smell. Autumn walked the old streets with joy, her heart filled to the ridges with love and happiness. She had just made a friend and quite an attractive one too.

Oh no... Autumn thought dreadfully, her heart dropping, and her stomach beginning to stir, I... I think... She didn't dare think it, for it would be too true if she did. She just couldn't bear the sudden thought of the one thing she had promised to never do. I just can't abandon Gossamer like that! Not this suddenly! It just can't be... It can't be... This thought drowned her in an ocean of sorrow. She was beginning to fall in love with Velos.

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