Part Four: The Note

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Months passed by, everyday Autumn struggled to get Gossamer's strings to make sound again, but it was useless. He wouldn't budge, he was gone, and his soul was evanescent. Autumn cursed herself, she was such a self-centered, love-blinded, fool! How could she have abandoned her once dearest love for someone who just died anyway? The chilling autumn and winter were replaced by the blooming spring and summer, nearly a year had passed by. In three weeks, the beginning of May, it would be so close to when she first met Velos, and Autumn dreaded it. It would've been one whole year they would have known each other, but no, she was forced to spend their anniversary alone. She hated it more than anything. Why did he have to die? Why did that hideous accident have to happen? Why did she have to be so in love with him when it happened?


    "Gossamer, dit zal de laatste keer zijn dat ik je probeer te spleen... Kom alsjeblieft terug naar mij..." Autumn whispered to the elderly violin in her mother tongue, praying to God he would come back to her. She needed him. She pulled him off his hook on the wall, along with his bow, and placed him on her shoulder. She went through her mental folder of songs she knew, and chose her absolute favorite. Its title was Brave Enough, the song's meaning was to be brave enough to love or to act on something even when you're scared to.

    Autumn hesitated on placing her bow onto Gossamer's strings, dreading so much that she would be disappointed once again, and after this she would give up.

    A sudden and invisible spark lit itself inside Gossamer's sleeping soul, and gave him a quick breath of life. He could feel the lost lover that he once called his own; he could feel her worry and hopelessness.

    Autumn breathed a shaky breath, and placed the bow onto Gossamer's old strings. She played the first ten measures, nothing. She could feel her heart sinking; she had killed him, and burned all of the beautiful chances they could have had in the future. She kept playing, tears pooling her eyes, and still nothing. She gave up, it was completely useless! Gossamer was gone. She threw him onto her bed, and sat on the edge of it. She placed her face in her hands, and began crying. She lost everything. Velos, Gossamer, and it was all because of her.

    Suddenly, Autumn felt an energetic force pull her back to Gossamer, and she followed it. She retrieved Gossamer, and held him up. Her green-blue eyes gazed at her beloved instrument, remembering all the years they have been with each other. Her soft pale fingers graced his wood, feeling the marks of love all over him, and loving all his beautiful flaws. She placed him on her shoulder, and hovered the bow over the strings. She began a slow and sad love song, but nothing happened. But this time she had hope. She played the entire song, playing so powerfully on the silent violin.

    Autumn's fingers played the last beautiful note, and Gossamer breathed life into the final note.

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