"I am so fucked!!!!" Wonwoo yelled as he shot out of bed at get ready for school which he was going to be late for. He grabbed black ripped skinny jeans with a black sweater that stopped mid-thigh and the sleeves showed only his finger tips out of his closet. He brushed his black hair then put on a little concealer and black eye-liner. Before leaving his room he checked how he looked one more time then ran down stairs grabbing his bag and car keys. He slipped on his black convers and head out to his old jeep that surprised everyone by actually running.

By the time he pulled in the student parking at school he was 10 minutes late for first period. Signing he got out of his car throughing his bag over his shoulder and walked to the main office for a late pass. It was now his first time being late but he still hated the feeling of walking into a class full of kids as that teacher explained the lesson. Luckily his first period teacher was nice and just told him to talk a seat. He walked to the back and sat in his seat next to his freind Jun, who has been one of his close friends since Jun moved to Korea from China. Jun gave his a wtf face for being late and Wonwoo just shrugged pulling out his math textbook.

5 minutes and Wonwoo was still looking through his bag for a pencil. Jun said he didn't have any extras and Wonwoo didn't want to ask any of his classmate for one because his is shy. But suddenly a pencil was placed on his desk and as he looked up to thank the person he was meet by a smiling Mingyu. Wonwoo was confused because Mingyu wasn't in his class so why was he hear. Totally spaced out he stared at Mingyu for longer then he should have. Blushing he snapped out of it and shyly thanked him then turn back to facing the front. Jun nudged Wonwoo whispering, "Where the hell did he come from!?!?"

Still in shock Wonwoo whispered back, "No fucking clue..."

Class was as boring as ever but every once and a while Wonwoo would look over at Mingyu sitting in the seat across the aisle from him. He still had no idea way he was in his class but Jun thinks he transferred to our class because he heard Mingyu didn't get along with one of the kids in the class. How Jun knew that I don't know but at least it answered the question even if it was a guess. Wonwoo head slowly found himself thinking about the smile Mingyu gave him. It was so warm and cute which make Wonwoo feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He could feel his face get warmer as he thought about how attractive Mingyu looked in his dark fit jeans and grey hoodie. Snapping himself out of the trance that he was under he tried to focus on the teacher.

The bell rang and all the kids started to clean up there things. Wonwoo shoved his text book into his bag and got up facing Mingyu. Shyly he handed him back his pencil, "Thanks."

"It's no problem," Mingyu gave him that warm smile again and grabbed the pencil making there hands touch for a split second. Wonwoo looked down as his face and ears turned red and turned to leave with Jun.

He pulled Jun out of the class walking fast so no one could see his red face. Luckily Jun was in his next class so he could use him to hide until his face colded down. "Dude you okay? Why are you being weirder then normal?" Jun said while trying to detach Wonwoo from him.

"Our hands touch!!" Wonwoo whispered yelled. Jun knows he is gay because during the summer at a sleepover at Jun's he came out.

[Flash Back]

Wonwoo and his friends Jisoo, Jun, Seokmin, Jeonghan, Chan, and Jihoon where at Jun's. It was there end of the school year sleepover that they did every year since Jun movies to Korea 5 years ago. They where playing truth or dare because Jun really wanted to play for some fucking reason. It was Jisoo's turn, "Wonwoo truth or dare." They all look at Wonwoo as he rolled his eyes and said truth not wanting to have to do something stupid. Jisoo smiled, "Do you have a crush and if yes who?"

Me and You (Wonwoo X Mingyu)Where stories live. Discover now