The rest of class Wonwoo took notes and chatted with Jun but his mind would wonder off thinking about Mingyu. He, for the first time in his life, was not excited for lunch because of a certain fuck face. Mentally signing, he thought about how all of his friends are going to embarrass the shit out of him in front of Mingyu. He could see Jeonghan and Jisoo teasing him as Seokmin, Chan, and Jun act like dumdasses. The only person he trusted to not do anything was Jihoon because he probably would just sleep all lunch. Not really paying attention Wonwoo stared out the window and watched as the gym class ran arpind the trace. Before he knew it class was over and he remembered nothing from the last 20 minutes of it.

Getting up, Mingyu and Jun started to walk to the cafeteria as Wonwoo slowly followed while mentally cursing Jun. Wonwoo hung his head down messed with his bag string, not noticing the person turning the corner. Running face first into them he closed his eyes and almost fell until he felt someone grab his arm. "Wonwoo, are you okay," he opened his eyes seeing Mingyu holding him up right.

Shyly he pulls his arm out of Mingyus hold, "Yeah I am fine" then Wonwoo turn to face the kid he ran into, "Sorry I should have been paying more attention."

The male smiled and patted Wonwoo's shoulder, "It's cool man." He turned to Mingyu and friendly punch his shoulder, "Looks like Mingyu saved you before I could."

"Vernon you really need to watch where you are walking man," Mingyu smiled which made Wonwoo blush. "Well we should go Jun is probably looking for us. Bye man see you later." Mingyu waved at Vernon and pulled Wonwoo with him to the cafeteria.

"We normally sit over at the table at the back corner over there," Wonwoo pointed to the table that was filled with his friends and Mingyu pull him over to it. Walking up to the table Jun was the first to notice us and smiled at what he did. Jun nudged Jisoo who was talking to Jeonghan but stopped to Jun at what Jun was looking at. Soon the whole table was quiet and sat in shock as Wonwoo sat down messing with his hands.

Mingyu sat down next to him smile as he introduced himself, "Hi, I am Mingyu."

Jeonghan looked at Wonwoo with a confused face and Wonwoo mouthed Jun's name. Understanding he introduced the group, "Hey, my name is Jeonghan and this sleeping bear right here is Jihoon, those to who are playing on their phone are Seokmin and Chan, and this is Jisoo next to me."

Mingyu smile as he rested his arm on Wonwoo's shoulder, "Nice to meet you all." Wonwoo's face went red as he pulled a book out of his bag. Everyone got alone with Mingyu and luckily they didn't tease him which made him less nervous. Wonwoo felt a pair of eyes on him which nade him look over to see Mingyu staring at him. Saying nothing Wonwoo tried to go back to reading which didn't last long when he felt Mingyu staring again. "What are you reading," he heard Mingyu ask in a low voice so only he could hear.

"Beautiful Creatures" Wonwoo spoke in a quietly shy voice at the fact that his crush was sitting and talking with him.

"Really I read that last year but sadly I couldn't find the second book at the library," Mingyu smile, sitting a little closer.

"Really? I just start reading it a few days ago and I have the second book you can borrow it while I read this one," Wonwoo said as he smile a little happy that they had something to talk about.

"Really thanks!!!" Mingyu huged Wonwoo which surprised him. As Mingyu pulled away the bell rang ending lunch. "I have English with Mr. Do next so I should go." Mingyu got up and waved leaving Wonwoo in shock.

"Dude wtf was that?!?!" Seokmin said as he walk with Wonwoo to the science room.

"Duh Mingyu was flirting with him," Jisoo teased walking with then to their shard class.

"What the fuck no, we were just talking about a book nothing special!!" Wonwoo hit Jisoo's arm as he blushed for the 50 time today. The two boys laughted at him as they walked to class.


"Fucking finally!!!!" Wonwoo yelled as he walked to his car with Jeonghan, Seokmin, and Chan.

"Amen" Jeonghan laughed as they got into Wonwoo's car.

"Guys we should go to the cafe near Seokmin and mines house and do homework," Chan said as he sat in front.

"You don't want to do homework, you just want food and we know it," Jeonghan laughed as he teased the younger one.

"Oh come one I know you all want to go too!!" Chan pouted and Wonwoo laughed as he started the car.

"We can go if we actually do some homework because I have a test in English. I am so fucked because I didn't study and it's tomorrow." Wonwoo drove out of the parking lot but as he stopped and honked his horn when a group of kick walked in front of him without looking. Mingyu was among the kids and he mouthed sorry and they ran out of the way.

"Gosh do they have a death wish," Seokmin said as he shock his head.

"Why does Mingyu hanging out with those idiots," Jeonghan said as he pulled out his phone.

"Do you know them," Chan said turning to look at him.

"Yeah one of them is in my math class his name is Sungcheol," Jeonghan shrugged as he played on his phone. Wonwoo just continued to smile as he drove thinking about Mingyu.


They were all siting in a booth drinking coffee and sharing some cakes they got as they studied. Every once in a while one of them would say something and they all would laugh and talk then go back to studying. Before they know it it was 5:45pm and Wonwoo had to drive them home.

Finally, he pulled into his drive way after 15 of dropping every one off just to see his parents cars. He signed and walked inside to be meet with the smell of his mom's cooking. "I'm home," he yelled as he took off his shoes.

"Welcome back sweetie, how was school?" His mom said as he entered the kitchen and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"It was good. Jeonghan, Chan, Seokmin, and I went to study at our normal spot after school. If you would have told me you would be home I would have come home sooner to help you make dinner, I don't want you to do all of the work around the house." Wonwoo grabbed a bottle of water and sat down at the table.

"It's okay sweetie I didn't even know I would be home for dinner so I didn't want to give you false hope, plus what else am I supposed to do? Relax?" Wonwoo's mom gave him a small smile as he rolled his eyes at her. Wonwoo's parents always worked really hard and are bearly home. Wonwoo didn't mind it to much though since he could just spend most if his time reading or playing online with his freinds. "Will you go get your father for me? He's in his office to finish up his work for the day." his mom said as she place food on the table.

Wonwoo walk down the hall passed the stairs and knocked on the closed door. He heard a faint 'come in' and Wonwoo entered. "Mom told me to get you for dinner," Wonwoo said quietly when he saw his dad's tired face.

"Okay I will be right out." his dad didn't look up from his work as Wonwoo slowly walk out but bfore he coud close the door he heard his father clear his through. Wonwoo looked over at his father's face and cocked his head to the side. "Thanks for letting me know Wonwoo." Then he went off to fiishing one more thing.

Dinner was his mom's famous spicy sticky chicken and mashed potatoes with her own special recipe. They all sat in comfortable silence until his dad spoke up in a disapproving tone, "I see you put makeup on again."

Thanks again for reading
another shitty post for yours truely.
I have some good ideas for this story but
if you have any suggestions feel free
to comment then or DM me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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