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A sharp sword penetrated the loose soil; its blade gleaming in the evening night. The dried blood on the sword didn't hide its brilliance, from the hilt to the handle to the tassel swinging with the breeze, anyone could tell that this was indeed a good sword.

Its name was Bing Xijie.

Despite its nobility, Bing Xijie was currently used as a crutch of all things.

The pale hand attached to the handle of the sword was trembling slightly, the previously meticulous white sleeves stained with red. The blood looked like scattered blossoms, rippling amongst the wrinkles of the cloth. A gust of wind sent long dark hair and red petals fluttering.

Under the plum blossoms was a dying man. His name was Chen Yu Yun.

Yu Yun sat quietly, leaning against a plum tree. A trickle of blood dripped from one corner of his lips. Dark strands of hair obscured his vision slightly, tickling pale cheeks. He didn't seem to notice.

His grasp on Bing Xijie loosened, abandoning the blade in favor of placing his hand on the trunk of the plum tree instead. The movement smeared some blood on the bark, causing Yu Yun to pause. ...It seems as if even in death he caused others to be covered in blood.

Having fought for so long, and lived for even longer, he was tired. Exhausted. Perhaps the path of cultivation truly wasn't meant for him. Despite the fact that he was renowned for being a genius, one that couldn't be seen in ten thousand years-- he felt ill fit for the position.

The war was finally over, the battles done. He could rest now, couldn't he? In this field of plum blossoms with no one around, Yu Yun sought peace.


"That brat!" The Master of Fate fumed, eyes narrowed as she gazed into the rippling water-- an image of the mortal world was reflected in its clear surface. Once again he was dying so unreasonably, all the fates she had jotted down rendered to worthless scraps. He was truly a defier of fate. Siming had written countless of tragic fates yet he somehow managed to dodge each one-- while his death now was indeed tragic, her scenarios had been tragically romantic. None of this dying in solitude nonsense. It was as if Yu Yun repelled the mere notion of romance. The childhood sweetheart, the cute Junior sisters, and even the fairy like Senior Sister were all ignored. Even the scenario of a forbidden romance between one of the Righteous faction and Demonic sect didn't work out! She had even considered the Senior Brother-- but nothing worked out. At this rate, would she even have the face to see the Heavenly Emperor?! Siming clenched her teeth, watching the figure under the plum tree sullenly.

The wind was picking up, causing a flurry of red petals to fall-- it almost seemed as if it was raining blood.

Siming paused, turning her eyes to the tree. That... her eyes brightened, and red painted lips curved into a smile. It was a smile soaked with mischievous intent.

The Master of Fate reached for her brush, the strokes harsh as she wrote eagerly. He wouldn't be able to avoid it this time! It would be the tragic of tragic fates, a romance to last the years-- Yu Yun would undergo the love trial, no matter what she had to do! It would be a tale to last the century! 

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