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Now the story I'm telling you is fairly boring but changed my life for good. See it all started with this annoying twit Jamison Fawkes.


Every night around six, I head out to a place called knives and pints. It's basically a place where I go to drink my sorrows so I don't feel any regret about my past decisions. And god are there a lot of them. Normally the only loud nights are on Fridays and that's to be expected so fair enough. But god sometimes it's the most annoying thing in the world.

Mako sat at the bar with his whiskey in hand whilst he looked into the polished wood reflection that stared back up at him, a tired man in his late thirties. He looked god damn awful. But everyone looks awful after they've been drinking for three or four hours straight. Around this time, mako would get up and stumble his way home in an Uber then fiddle with his keys for at least thirty minutes. Tonight though. He was feeling like he was missing something. Like he was bored of drinking away his nights.

Mako looked at his reflection again before he rubbed his face and started walking out the door, the bartender giving him a good night like usual. He let out a deep sigh when he walked into the chilly air.

It's gonna start snowing soon. I wonder what it's like to have someone to share your bed with and just spend the day snuggled up and happy. Happy... that's an odd word. What am I talking about I don't need anything but myself.

He thought about that word a lot. He claimed that he was happy. But was he really? Was he really happy with being single and alone?

Of course I am. Duh. I don't need a clingy girlfriend at my side 24/7.

He looked down at his phone and called an Uber. He seemed to get to know the Uber drivers a lot, he's must've met all the drivers more than twice already. He's yet to meet a new one or at least one of them say hello and start a conversation instead of just asking how he is that night. He always answers the same.

"Good as I'll ever be"

Although he didn't really care if they got to know him or not, but still it would be nice. Refreshing really. When the car pulled up Mako let out a yawn and got up, tripping and hiccuping his way over.

With a click he got in. "Hello, you're Jamison right?" Mako looked at him with a bit of confusion, then the a rush of embarrassment as a man knocked on the window. With a slow shameful sigh he turned to the window, fortunately the guy didn't looked pissed off. "You're in my car mate" the man looked to be in his twenties, maybe mid way through. Twenty five? Twenty six? He dressed like he was nineteen or twenty though, he had a baggy white shirt on and some light blue denim ripped jeans, he had a leather jacket on with the words Junkrat badly stitched into it. He wore these shoes that looked about two sizes to big for his feet, they were high top leather boots that his jeans fumbled at the top of. He had a crazy hair style. It was blonde and fluffy, but slicked back to a degree. He had some pretty eyes though.

Weird, just believe me he looked weird. This guy gave me the feeling that he was an absolute prick.

When mako got out he looked down at the chap and apologised. "Nah nah it's ok mate! You're clearly shit faced, I'd do the same if I had a places to go" he laughed, his laugh and voice sounded kinda squeaky and annoying. Insane almost. Mako let out a grunt as he turned and went to go sit down. Once the twig like man got into his car and drove off Mako let out a massive groan of embarrassment. He rubbed his face roughly and pulled his skin down. When his car actually came he waited for the driver to say his name. "Mako right?" He stood up and nodded. He got in and told the man that he had just gotten into the wrong car, that sparked a laugh out of the guy. "That must've been embarrassing " he giggled out. Mako let out a small chuckle "yeah tell me about it "

Once he got home his phone buzzed. One of his close friends Ana had texted him about going to a club for her daughters birthday.

A <| hey! It's Fareeha's birthday and she insisted that us old farts come clubbing with her. |

Mako let out a snort.

M<| wow that one has grown up so fast. I guess I can't say no to her, can I? |

A<| unfortunately, no she said she HAS to have you there.|

M<| alright alright. I'll be there, which one?|

Ana texted through an address and mako took a look. "The hooks." He has heard of that place, it's an lgbtq+ club. It's a real hotspot with all of the lgbtq+ community, people come from around the world just to come to this place. Makos quite impressed she managed to get in there and a decent place too.

M<| ok, sounds cool|

He let a smile tug at his lips. He loved that kid of hers. Like the daughter he never had, he had been alone for so long he never thought about kids and frankly doesn't want any of his own. Not now, not ever. He'd rather stay alone and never have to risk anything involving "heartbreak."

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