The hooks

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I hate clubbing. With a burning passion might I add. All the lights, the horrible music and the young party goers drunk off their tits. It always smells of b.o and shitty vodka shots and I would happily stay home and read or watch the new season of Lucifer on tv. But, there is always a but.

I would be a ripe ass hole if I stayed home after saying I'd go to that club. Tonight was the night I have a drink or two and enjoy the company of my not-so daughter.

Mako took a look in the body sized mirror that he had to stand at the other side of his room to see the full of himself. He looked damn good and Mako knew bloody well that he did.

Not saying that my ego is big, but I quite like how I look.

Grabbing his keys and wallet he went out to the garage and gazed upon his pride and joy. His chopper. Unfortunately, that bike had been broken for years and Mako couldn't work out what was wrong. When he rolled it in to a mechanic, they said that it was dead beat and wouldn't work unless they rebuilt it with new parts in it. Mako couldn't quite part with his old bike so, he bluffed and never took it back. Although he did have his flashy BMW, the chopper was still his favourite transportation device.

Alright alright, I was rambling, I'll get on with it.

As I left to this club, I saw that strange kid I saw yesterday. He was covered, head to toe with some sort of grease or black dust/smudges. He was wiping himself clean with a towel outside of, what I'm guessing, was his work. He's was a.... I'm actually not entirely sure what he was. I'd never seen that place before that day so I was completely clueless.

When I got to this flashy club I saw Ana and her newly adult daughter. Fareeha smiles and waves me over. I get out of my car and head over, I could already feel the headache from this place and I wasn't even inside.

((Damn this was short sorry!

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