Steamed to Perfection

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     Grian and Mumbo lived a (usually) undisturbed life together. Despite the occasional busy day grinding for resources or performing maintenance on redstone contraptions, their days consisted of whatever the hell they felt like. Sometimes this meant sleeping in until the sun set again or constructing builds. No matter the activity, whether easy or otherwise, the two couldn't be happier. 

     One lazy day when no responsibilities demanded either of their immediate attention, they decided to spend their time as they had time and time again. In eachother's company. Grian had kept himself occupied cleaning and reorganizing chests while Mumbo stood at the ready to lend a hand if needed. After the sun had traveled across the sky and started to dip into the horizon, Grian wiped the perspiration from his brow and sighed.

     "Hah... finally, I've been itching to get this place cleaned up for ages." He shot a quick smile to Mumbo, who watched Grian's satisfied reaction, noting the light sheen of sweat that made him seem to glow. He also noted the slight smudges on Grian's sweater and face, and couldn't suppress the desire to reward Grian for a job well done. They really had needed to organize for quite some time now. He was proud of his boyfriends productivity and started formulating a suitable way to repay him.

      "I'll get the water running, nothing's better than a hot shower after a hard days work, eh?" Mumbo said as he began walking to the bathroom, keeping his voice level and trying to play it off as just a suggestion, though what he had planned was much more exhilirating. Oblivious, Grian shouted a quick "Thanks!" after him and waited to start making his way to the bathroom, too, stripping his sweater as he waited. 

     Once Mumbo reached the bathroom, he silently shut the door behind him and retrieved the lubrication from under the sink, setting it on the shelf inside the shower. He doubted Grian would even notice its presence there until the slick substance was being slathered on his-- Mumbo shook himself. He needed to focus on the task at hand! He filed the thought for later and turned the handle, letting the water splash out of the showerhead. Grian knocked twice to ask for entry, and, satisfied with the water temperature, Mumbo opened the door. Grian stood holding his red sweater in one hand and his pants in the other. Mumbo sidestepped to allow Grian entry and admired his assets as he passed on his way to the steaming shower. 

     Relishing the fresh steam rolling off the walls, Grian stripped the last of his clothing and looked back to see Mumbo with a red tinted face, deep in thought. Grian pushed the shower curtain aside and stepped into the hot stream. It felt exquisite, instantly releasing much of the tension in his muscles caused from exerting himself. Peeking past the curtain once more, he caught a glimpse of Mumbo's chiseled body now naked and clothes folded tidily on the counter. After shaking his hair out of its normal neat position, he was the image of perfection. Grians mouth watered at the display, his lower half twitching at the memories of that body against his, enclosing him and inside of him as well.

     While lost in thought, Grian's eyes drifted across Mumbo's form, taking it all in. This did not go unnoticed by Mumbo, who suppressed the urge to look away but instead he swiftly joined Grian in the shower, closing the curtain behind him. Grian had designed the bathroom himself, making sure to have a luxurious and spacious shower space completed with a tub for soaking in. Mumbo's nerves and cock stirred as he began to set his plan in motion, waiting for Grian to finish rinsing his hair to press his chest flush to Grian's back. He let his hips hover just behind Grian's ass, the temptation to just grind his quickly filling cock on the plump backside almost overrode his self control. Rather than give in, he gently placed his broad hand on Grian's ribs, sliding down to his dainty hip and resting there, slowly caressing the area and continuing on throughout his ministrations.

     Grian stirred lightly at the gesture, his face rising in temperature, as well as making his already half hard dick bob pleasantly, tugging his attention there. He inwardly reprimanded his excitability, though not wholeheartedly. It just confirmed his love and adoration of his boyfriend, and how he never got tired of him. Just the sight of his body and warmth of his skin had made Grian's stomach flutter and tingle pleasantly all the way to his balls. Grian felt something wet and hot make contact with his delicate neck, replacing the cold feeling of air hitting his damp skin with a heat that bloomed and set his nerve endings aflame from head to toe. His dick was now receiving electrifying jolts of arousal, and he tilted his head to the side, granting more access to the pale expanse of his neck.

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