Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N: Sorry I didn't update this sooner, it's been probably what I'd say to be not one of my best weeks ever, but it's over now, moving on. 
     Nonetheless here's the chapter, and it's for you Newport63 :D

Chapter 31

Day 23 of Tour: Saturday – Day Off

Nothing substantial happened during the week. Avi hadn't yet had the opportunity to say 'yes' to sharing a bed with Kirstie, to be fair he was still recovering from the horror movie she'd put him through. Kevin had had to google the ending for him to put his mind at ease so he could sleep.
     Kirstie had told Scott and Mitch (who were tolerating each other again) that Avi would buy them the drinks they so desperately desired, and they were pumped to say the least. Avi however was still freaking out about it because what if somehow the person at the store knew who he was buying it for and called the cops on him and not even just that, there were so many things that could go wrong. But the more he thought about it, he liked the idea of the trio drinking with him present, with alcohol he'd bought, rather than with some losers at a party that have done who knows what to the drinks. That's why Avi was going to do it.

Avi and Scott were the ones who went to the store that Mitch had pointed out on their way past to their motel. The perfect motel because Esther, Kevin and Avi's room wasn't right next door to the trio's, it was the best timing ever.
     Scott went with Avi to the store, but he stayed in the car while Avi went in with the knowledge of what they wanted. It was basically just vodka, the three hadn't broadened their tastes yet, so Avi planned to introduce them to whiskey, it was his favourite and he was going to buy it anyway so why not?
     Avi didn't know how much he was supposed to buy so he got two bottles of vodka, one of whiskey and one of tequila, because Mitch had asked for that in being a little more daring than the other two. Avi wouldn't tell them about the second bottle of vodka though until he saw how they held their liquor, and he already knew that wouldn't be well, but whatever.
     The alcohol went into the boot without a hitch then the two went into the convenience store a couple doors down to pick the mixers.
     "I've never really gotten to pick out stuff myself so this is so exciting," Scott gushed as he piled his arms full of lemonade, coke and other sodas, and orange juice and cordial. "This is like all the stuff they have on the table's right?" He passed some stuff off to Avi so he could get more.
     "Yeah, a big party, you only need enough for four people, not that I've been to many parties to really know, but I'm still sure you don't need this much," but he took what Scott handed him anyway.
    "I don't know what the other two want to mix their drinks with so I'm covering all the bases. It just means we'll have to hide the alcohol from Esther and have a second night later on," he grinned.
     "Don't remind me about hiding this from Esther, that makes me feel worse," Avi frowned.
     "Okay, sorry, let's just get this and go."

Kevin was studying as per usual, and Esther was reading in the room they were sharing with Avi for the next two nights, when Avi made his grand exit about three in the afternoon.
     "I'm gonna go hang out with Kirstie, don't worry about what time I get back. I'll be hanging out in their room," he spoke too quickly.
     Esther raised an eyebrow but didn't question him; she watched him leave the room then went back to her book.
     "Was that suspicious?" Kevin asked Esther.
     "Yeah, but he's not used to hanging out with a girl, so let's just leave him to it," she shrugged.

"Did you get everything out of the car?" Avi asked as he entered the room, the boot had been empty when he'd checked it a moment before.
     "We got everything and we were subtle," Scott grinned.
     "That grin makes me think that maybe you weren't so subtle," Avi's eyebrow rose, he was slightly annoyed, he'd asked them to wait for him to collect everything.
     "He's really excited because you bought us two bottles of vodka," Kirstie Cheshire smiled. That was exactly why Avi wanted to get everything out of the boot himself.
     "Have y'all drunk something already?" Avi asked, because that'd be another reason he wanted them to wait.
     "No, we just made our first drinks, they're sitting on the kitchen counter waiting for you to arrive," Mitch's smile was too big too.
     Avi briefly glanced at the bench, and he had to look again. He saw three tall glasses that were filled with orange and red liquids, they'd figured out a fancy layering technique or something, they looked awesome. "What is that?" He asked of the short glass that was filled to the top with a dark brown drink, and he thought he knew what it was but hoped he was wrong.
    "What's what?" Scott asked as he glanced around to see.
     "Is that dark drink mine?" Avi tried not to laugh.
     "Yeah, it's the whiskey," Scott replied. "Kirstie poured it for you, but we all tried it cause you said we should, we didn't like it for the record, but that's why your glass isn't full," the blonde spoke at a hyper speed.
     "That's straight whiskey?" Avi really hope it wasn't.
     "We don't know what its orientation is," Mitch joked.
     "No," Avi laughed. "You mixed it with something right? You didn't just fill the glass with whiskey right?"
     "Well no," Kirstie started, "Whenever people drink it on TV they pour little bits in at a time, and they drink it just like that, but this is more efficient, that other way is just stupid," she smiled proudly.
     "It's not stupid, it's pure alcohol, it's done in small amounts so you're aware of how much you're drinking," Avi explained. "So that's about five, maybe six glasses in one there," he pointed.
     Scott spoke slowly, almost confused, but he knew what he was saying, "So you drink that one to our five?"
     Avi shrugged, "I guess so, but I would have liked to try it first before deciding to drink it straight or mixed."
     "You sure do know a lot about alcohol even though I've never seen you drink, you've only been to one party that I know of," Mitch said.
     "That's because I don't like parties. And I don't know a lot about alcohol, just whiskey. My granddad taught me how to drink it and know what's good and what's not, he even let me try it when I wasn't old enough and then for my 21st he bought me a really good whiskey, and to this day it is still the best one I've ever tried."
     "That's pretty dope," Mitch smiled. "So can you tell us if that one's good?" He pointed at Avi's glass.
     "I've had it before, that's why I got it, I know I like it, it's nothing special though because it's cheap, but I don't care," he shrugged.
     "So we just don't like whiskey then?" Scott asked, looking between Mitch and Kirstie. He didn't expect and answer, and lucky because he didn't get one.
     Kirstie looked up at Avi with a pout, "So I did your drink wrong?"
     Avi looked down at her as Scott and Mitch tried to contain their laughter. "Yeah but it's okay, I'll still drink it," he gave her a warm smile.
     "Good," Kirstie hugged into his side as he picked up the glass and took a sip. "Cause we lied, we had a drink already."
     Scott and Mitch nodded enthusiastically.
     Avi laughed, "I figured."

A/N: Maybe a double update? :o

And so how do you think the drinking is going to go?

Hannah :)

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