Chapter 2

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"T, come on now.. me and you are more of a serious situation than you and Samantha", I looked at Samantha and I could see the hurt in her eyes, and I tried to deny what Taquell just stated. "Samantha... is my g-girlfriend Ta.. and if you really loved me you would respect that". I sounded so selfish, was it even okay to have a girlfriend and a boyfriend at the same time? I was so new to this. Taquell seemed disappointed, but his only response was, "Aight, man I'll see you whenever then", and shook his head and walked off. I looked back at Samantha with her face just amazed at the scene, "sorry you had to witness that Sam..", "no, no babe it's fine really.. I mean it could be hard trying to balance having a boyfriend and a... girlfriend" with her voice trailing off. "Am I really your girlfriend Tiana?", my heart fell to my stomach, because I just realized what type of predicament I've just involved myself in, "Uh, I mean yeah.. if you wanna be?", "I would love to be!", she said with her eyes glistening and her smile just as wide as ever. We went back upstairs to my room, and I seen a text I received from Taquell which said: Tiana, honestly I'm not comfortable with the fact of you having me and Sam.. I feel like that's going to take time away from us, actually I feel like eventually you might end up leaving me and being with her forever". I didn't bother to text back, because Taquell has to realize that sometimes I honestly need my space from him. Yeah, I love him with all my heart but we can't be under each other 24/7.

A couple hours past, and I guess me and Sam had drifted off. I woke up to her laying on my stomach, and I heard the TV playing downstairs, guessing that my sisters were home. I wonder how Amantha would react to the fact that I'm starting to try to experience a relationship with females. Sam has woken up and looked at the time. "Oh my, I didn't realize how late it was! I better get going babe, see you at dance rehearsal Thursday?", she asked. "Yeah, sure thing" I said with half a smile. She kissed me and I walked her downstairs, and I seen Samaya asleep, and Amantha wide awake watching Tom & Jerry. "Oh hey, T.. I came upstairs and noticed you asleep with your friend from rehearsal, what's your name again beautiful?", Sam smiled, "Samantha love", and walked towards the door. "Bye guys", "later Sam", I said .

I looked back at Amantha, and she had a grin on her face. "So, is there anything you would like to tell me?", "Uh.... yeah, but first let's put Samaya to bed". We put Samaya to bed and came back downstairs and I told Amantha everything, and she started to open to me also, saying that she tried to experience a relationship with a girl and how she lost her virginity when she was fourteen, and also how she started talking to Shanice's little brother, know wonder why they're always over there. Knowing that I can now be comfortable around my sister, and knowing that she also experienced the same thing I did and etc, I feel a whole lot better.

I haven't spoken to my best friend Shanice in a whole week, and I decided to see how she was doing. My sisters always went there without me because I was always busy with either Taquell and Samantha, but the never really seen her at home because Shanice was barely ever home herself ever since she got herself a boyfriend and forgot about everything. Usually best friends are supposed to be super close and tell each other everything but.. I don't know.

  I suddenly got a text from Taquell who texted me two more times, and I totally forgot he texted me. His two texts read: Tiana, I hope she doesn't take you away from me. Seems like you're too busy huh, we'll see how far this goes. I decided to text him back and tell him about himself before he started to piss me off. Taquell still had his aggressive ways, but I'm making sure he doesn't ever put his hands on me again.

I decided to take a walk to Shanice's house because I haven't heard from or seen my best friend in a long time. Before I knew it I was in front of her house, and I rang the door bell. She came to the door looking very unusual, her hair was in a messy bun, eyes were red puffy with bags under, her face had a bruise on it, and she seemed to have gained a little weight, but she greeted me with a smile and gave me a hug. "Shanice, you don't look like yourself, everything alright?", "No.. I caught my "boyfriend" cheating on me, and then he tried to deny it, and once I got upset he punched me in my stomach and face numerous times.. I told him I was leaving him and he got so upset, T I don't know what to do. I've been crying for days now, and I've barely been home, luckily you caught me while I'm here". Shocked at what she just told me, I didn't know how to react, I barely even knew about this boyfriend, especially since we're supposed to be best-friends. Seems like we've slowly drifted off because I was so worried about myself. "How come you never gave me a call?", I asked. "You just seemed so busy.. when I seen your sisters and I asked for you, they always say you're with Taquell...", her voice trailed off. "Shanice, you're my best friend no matter what if you needed me I would be there no matter what if I'm not with Taquell or not, I'm going to put my friend over any boy".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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