"Her" Chapter 1

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Well hey, I'm her and my name is Tiana Granger. My mom died when I was twelve, and my father is serving life in jail for murder and selling drugs, I'm eighteen now, rough life huh? I live with my foster mom , Mrs.Bernstein who's a fifty something year old women, widowed because her husband died three years ago. I also live with my two little sisters Amantha who's fifteen & Samaya who's eight. We all live in a nice apartment in Bed Stuy, Mrs.Bernstein always kept things well organized. Well this was a little intro, now here's a story...

It was a sunny Tuesday morning, school was out and it was summer vacation, and I was at a dance audition in Times Square. My dance instructor who went by the name Samantha, she was a babe, slim, big butt, smooth brown baby skin, green eyes and beautiful brown curly hair, and I believe she was about eighteen. Anyways, we started our tryouts and I was the third on the list.

I waited about thirty minutes for my name to finally be called, and I once I heard Samantha say " Tiana, you're up " , with a wide welcoming smile, and I felt a knot start to form in my stomach. I walked into the room of the auditions to see the three judges who were ready to judge my performance. One said " you ready? " I nodded my head and did my thing. Once I finished the judges had a mini secretive conversation deciding if I was moving on. One looked at me and smiled and said " you got it! ". I almost fainted from triumph and thanked the three judges.

I left the audition room to go get my stuff to see Samantha stretching her beautiful body. She walked up to me and asked me if I made it and I nodded, she was just as happy as I was. I always had a feeling that Samantha really liked me. She handed me a paper talking about some tour that she thought I may enjoy going on. She said " ask your parents if it's okay with them, and if you really want to go " . I looked at her with a blank face trying to force back tears. She looked at me and said " what's wrong? " I said " Uh.. nothing, I'll let them know " with a weak grin, and my voice suddenly trailing off.

Samantha could tell something was wrong, " yeah.. you don't sound so sure Tiana.. ". I took a deep breath and told her the story about my parents and she looked as if she were about to cry but she held back her tears. " My god.. that's so horrible, I don't know what I'do if I were in such position, so who do you live with?", she asked. "My foster mom, Mrs. Bernstein.. but I gotta go though Sam, I'll catch you later", I wanted to hurry and get out of there before I broke down.

After leaving the auditions, I decided to get a little sumchin from Dunkin' Donuts, a mocha latte. The cashier was very nice to me, she was gorgeous with straight nice pearly whites, long jet black hair, light skinned and hazel eyes. She handed me my latte quick, and I thanked her with a smile. I was overly exhausted from the auditions and I could feel the bags forming from under my eyes.

While walking home, I was distracted on my phone not paying attention to anything coming my way. I suddenly looked up once I heard a boy talking obnoxiously loud yelling back to his friend who was on the next block. He was a fine too, brown-skin, tall about six foot three at least, hazel eyes, and nice teeth, and a great sense of style. He looked like the type of niggas that do scams or some sort of illegal shit to get by. He wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and ended up colliding into me, making me spill some of my latte on my red and black Billionaire Boys Club Shirt. All I saw was red, and I was ready to kill him, and he saw it in my eyes. I yelled and said "what the hell son! Pay attention next time! " , " I am so sorry, I really didn't see you I was too busy talking to my friend, I could give you a shirt and -- " but I walked away trying to get him out my sight before he could even finish his sentence. He walked right after me and said "I can't talk to you? I did apologize and offer you a whole new shirt". I said " no, excuse me " , trying to brush past him, until he grabbed my wrist and said " please " , I pulled myself out of his grasp and walked away. He just shook his head and said "fuck it" . I looked back and said " what? " he said " nothing " . I rolled my eyes, and walked away, leaving him there still staring me.

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