I have a message for you...

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Hana's pov.
"Hana..." said Y/N "C'mon i can't stand seeing you like this"
"But i-i don't w-want you t-to go" i said in between tears.
Y/N: "I know its hard for you but if anyone of overwatch finds me i would be shot upon on sight and they would probably shoot you too, i don't want you getting killed or hurt..."
Me: "If you can't be with me then i don't see being alive worth it"
Y/N: Hana, I-
Me: "NO! You don't understand!" I said with anger "you just don't get it because you never felt like this before! You are just probably thinking this is all normal because you have never being loved or have never done so!!"
Me: "And don't tell me that i will be safe without you because i would just be more scared!" You don't get to do that..."
Y/N: "Do what?"
Me: "You don't get to enter people's lives, make them care for you and then, when they least expect it, just disappear from their side!"
Y/N: ...
Me: "Y/N i'm sorry..."
Y/N: "No i should be the one who is sorry...
You are right... i never felt love i never loved, i never felt anything other than hatred or anger..." "But now that i do i know im doing the right thing by leaving your side."
"My brother once told me that doing te right thing doesn't always mean you will like it or that it won't hurt you."
"I just want you to be safe, okay?" "I swear to you that i will come back for you when everything has calmed down i swear i will come back" "But in the meantime you have to be strong, for us."

We shared one last kiss before parting ways and i couldn't help but to look back to the only person i really would love to say "love, D.Va"

4 years later

None's pov
Hana was on vacation with her family in south Korea. Although she would like to she couldn't spend time with you not even online due to overwatch watching over her and the other heroes constantly just in case they would come into contact with Y/N. There weren't a lot of people who knew that Y/N was alive, it was just Braxton and D.Va. And Braxton had been decommissioned letting soldier 76 take command of the overwatch organization.
She spent her holidays with her family until she found a tape inside the mailbox labeled "Goodbye."
Not knowing what or from whom it was she played it on her tv.
Not much was known after D.Va heard it besides that she told her parents that she had to leave right then.

Overwatch's hq

Hana run down the hallways until she reached Winston's lab.
Hana: "do you have anything to do with this?"
Winston: "Shhhh, keep it down." Winston then turned off the cameras on his lab. "Listen D.Va i've been thinking about what i said about Y/N and... well i had no right to judge Y/N because of his nature so im sorry, if you feel like punching me with your meka here i am and yes i was te one who sent you that tape i thought you might want it after what you have been through."
Hana: "how did you found it and where?"
I found it back in Y/N's hideout. I analyzed everything on that tape and... well it appears that he comitted suicide..."
Hana: "no... not Y/N..."
Suddenly the voice sounded over the speakers telling me to rush immediately over to the main office of soldier 76.

Downfall (D.Va x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now