A new menace

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D.Va and her team where in the drop ship which was taking them to the overwatch HQ. They had lost this battle but D.Va and Ana had taken a blood sample from the misterious soldier who had successfully assassinated the chancellor of Germany, speaking of which, Reindheardt was very mad about his failure.

Overwatch HQ

D.Va's pov.
I took the blood sample to Winston's lab. When i entered i found him tinkering with tracer's chronal accelerator, it looked like he was fixing something because when he was done he said.
"If it gives you any more issues, don't hesitate to come and see me."
"Thanks luv!" Tracer said with a smile.
But then she stopped by me and asked me about our mission and how did it go.
Me: "it went horribly this talon group is organized and it has lot of technological advantage over us... i don't know how we are gonna pull this off." i said while looking down.
Tracer: "Oi! Cheer up its not the end if the world im sure you will get them next time! You know what they say what doesnt kill you makes you stronger!"
Me: "Thanks tracer it does make me feel better."
Tracer: "Of course it does!" She said while winking at me.
Me: "Well i'll catch you later i have something to give to Winston."
Tracer: "alright luv see you later!" She said waving goodbye at me.
Winston: "ah Hana i'm sorry to hear that your mission didn't go so well..."
Me: "Don't worry about it" i said dismissing him with my hand; "i brought you something new though."
Winston: "hmmmm lets see; okay the sample looks good where did you get it from?"
Me: "I got it from a soldier of the Talon organization."
Winston: "well it certainly is something he said" while putting the sample in the microscope. "Brother banana's beard it looks like this new friend of yours has been cybernetically enhanced, i also seem to detect..." he said pausing "there seems to be a lot of chemicals and nanobots in this sample."
"Did you let it get contaminated or something? because it barely looks like a human sample."
Me: "No, Amari was the one who shot him a syringe to extract it directly from him... or it."
Winston: "Well i will certainly have to take time in deciphering his DNA, i'll have to remove all chemicals and bots in this pattern."
Me: "Thanks Winston."
Winston: "Anytime."

Black soldier pov
The soldier went to the infirmary in Talon's HQ so he could get the wound in his arm stitched. Once he was there reaper came in to have a talk.
Reaper: "hows your wound?"
Black soldier: "nothing to worry about sir!"
Reaper: "well as soon as you are done, doom fist would like to have a talk with you. I wouldn't keep him waiting."
Black soldier: "of course not sir!"
Once he was done with his stitches he went to Akande's office.
Black soldier: "Sir, N16H7 reporting."
Akande: "at ease, reaper has put a good report on you." "I'm surprised, reaper does not usually recommend anyone but his team for this kind of missions and i take the recommendations of his seriously, so i've come to think that you can handle another task.
I'm assigning you to his assault squad to carry out another mission for which you will be departing next week."
Black soldier: "Yes sir!"
Akande: "oh before i forget... i do not need to remind you what happens when failure is achieved. Have i made myself clear?"
Black soldier: "Yes sir! I will not fail you, sir!"
Akande: "good, for now go to the nursery so she can give you your enhancement chems."
Black soldier: "yes sir anything else?"
Akande: "thats all for now soldier, dismissed!"

D.va's pov
I was sitting in my room playing videogames to try and take my mind off of all what happened today but couldn't calm myself so i decided to go out to take a walk through the beach; the beach were Y/N and i became boyfriend and girlfriend.
I just sat there staring at the moon looming over the calm water all while remembering everything about Y/N so i took my pistol out and stared at it for a while with tear stained eyes. I tried to but i don't really know why i couldnt pull the trigger maybe it was cowardness. Or maybe it was because i couldn't  stop thinking that if i pulled the trigger on me, all Y/N sacrifices would have been for nothing.
"I should have been there for you..." i said to myself.
"It should have been me."
"I should have never got close to you Y/N."
And with that i returned dragging my feet back to HQ trying to find a good reason to keep on forward with this life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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