And deeper we fall

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A/N: ok so were to start...
I havent been doing great at university since i only passed 2/5 exams and due to personal problems updates may take longer than expected and no, before you ask im not giving up on this story.

D.Va pov: I rushed down the hallways along with Mc cree, Genji and Zenyatta.
We reported to soldier 76's office for our mission briefing.
Soldier 76: "well you took your sweet-ass time"
Me: "just tell us our mission."
Soldier 76: "straight to the point eh? I like that attitude." "Our intel tells us that there will be an assassination on Germany."
Reindhart: "Let them try i say!"
Soldier 76: "I admire your courage, but the organization who is behind this isn't like the previous terrorist groups we have faced so far."
"These people are organized, they are very skilled, without remorse and they will complete their objective no matter what."
"Our intel tells us that they are also secretly building a secret weapon which they codenamed the Hellfire program."
"Your team will consist of Zenyatta, Reindhardt, Mc Cree, Genji, D.Va and Ana Amari."
"D.Va and Ana; you have to gather every last bit of info that you can about this classified weapon and bring it to Winston for analysis.
This whole team will be dispatched for Germany tomorrow at 06:00 hours."

Downfall (D.Va x male reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang