Chapter 22

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Jenna's POV:

"I'm Tyler Joseph, nice to meet you." I take his hand and shake it. Wow this is weird. We're starting over. I've only ever seen this in movies and never thought anything like this would ever happen to me.

"I'm Jenna Black."

He smiles. It's kinda cute. Damn it, shut up. He's not cute, he's a kidnapper and a psychopath.

We sit and talk for a while. About random, normal stuff. When I bring up the topic of music, his face immediately lights up. Maybe he's a musician, or just a music fan.

When it gets dark, he says he's going to go to bed.

"Ok, me too then," I say, not really knowing what to do.

"Um, well I don't have a spare pillow unless you wanna use Josh's," Tyler says. I shudder. No, not Josh's.

"That's ok. I haven't really slept with a pillow for a while anyway," I quietly laugh.

"Hmm," he replies, thinking. Then he suddenly grabs my arms and pulls me up. I use him as support as we walk towards the hall. I almost sigh in relief when we go into Tyler's room instead of the one Josh is in, across the hall. He leaves me by the wall, not saying a word. He looks at the two single beds and says, "I was thinking since I don't completely trust you not to run away," I playfully roll my eyes and laugh, "you should sleep in here 'cause it doesn't seem like Josh is going to tonight. I'll sleep in his bed if it makes you more comfortable."

I nod. He then adds, "Plus if Josh somehow escapes I'll be here rather than you be alone in the lounge." Yes, this is a good idea. Plus I've just been upgraded from couch to bed!

I go and lie in Tyler's bed, after he moves his stuff, and sigh. It's so comfortable compared to the floor. I immediately fall asleep. Today has been very stressful and I think I've earned it.

I don't know what the time is but it must be very early in the morning. I sit up, not knowing where I am. After I look around the room it all comes back. Nearly being killed by Josh, Tyler being nice. I look over at Tyler. He doesn't look to be having a nice dream. He doesn't look like the kind of person who gets much sleep, always having bags under his eyes.

With him sleeping and Josh out of my way, escape would be so easy. I can taste freedom, so much that I put my feet on the cold, wooden ground, ready to get up and leave whenever I want.

But I'm not sure if I want to anymore. Tyler isn't going to kill me and I think he needs my help. Josh also needs help but I'm not sure if I can give or am able to give the help that he needs.

I sit there for a while, contemplating escape. Then I put my feet back onto the bed and lie back down. I'll get through this, no more running away.

Tyler's POV:

We have a normal conversation, which I think is fun. We talk about ours lives, families, histories; favourite colour, animal, tv shows. Then music comes up. I don't think she knows that I write music but it'll be interesting to see what she says.

"What's your fave music genre?" I ask, causally.

"Umm. I don't really have one. But I like alternative, rock and that kind of stuff," she says. On the inside I'm super excited, but I think some of it showed on the outside. Although my music doesn't really fit into one genre, alternative is what it would technically be classed as. For some reason I really want her opinion on my music but I won't mention it yet.

After we finish our hours long conversation I decide it's time to go to bed. But then I think about how much safer she'd be in my room. I'm not really worried about her leaving, but I just use that as an excuse. I help her into my room. I notice her relax when we go inside. She must have been really traumatised by Josh.

I decide that I'll sleep on Josh's bed and use his pillow. I saw the way she shuddered when I talked about her using it. As soon as she lies down she's asleep. Must be tired then. Wish I was that lucky.

I'm normally awake until at least one and then the sun wakes me up at around six, if I'm not already awake. I don't sleep very well but I actually sleep for longer than normal. By the time I wake up Jenna is already sitting up on her bed, twiddling her thumbs.

I help her out to the kitchen, where I serve breakfast. I think Jenna's wound is healing quite good and soon she'll be able to walk by herself.

Once we finish eating I grimly say, "I'm going to check on Josh."

She nods as I get up. Bad Josh is still there but when I offer him water he reluctantly drinks it. My Josh must be pushing through. "I know you can do it Josh. Fight it. Fight it and then we can leave this place," I whisper to him.

"And why would we leave this place, Tyler," he spits my name, "We haven't killed the girl. Or have you gotten to attached," he drawls.

"I believe in you Josh. You can pull through this, you always do." I leave the room. The more alone Josh is the easier it is for him to fight the other side.

''How is he?" Jenna asks gently as I walk back into the front rooms. She somehow moved from the breakfast bar to the couch. My eyebrows knit together and she says, "It hurt but I managed."

I nod and sit down next to her. "What now?" She asks.

"We wait for Josh to fight off the violent side and then we leave."

"Leave?" she questions hopefully.

"Yeah." I smile. "Since we're friends now, I don't think we should stay here any longer than necessary."

She hugs me with excitement. I tense. I'm not used to hugs and don't really like them that much. She leans back with her hands on my shoulders, her wrists still red from the cuffs. I'm sure I have a cream for that. She looks at me worriedly. I smirk, "I'm not really into hugs but I could get used to this."

Jenna's POV:

"I'm not really into hugs but I could get used to this." He smirks.

I look down, trying to hold my smile and blush. Already starting with the small, kind of bad, flirty comments. I've flirted before but I don't know what to say. So instead I embarrass myself by smiling from ear to ear and then laughing. It's probably the first time I've properly laughed for ages. Like not just after I got kidnapped but before that. I haven't laughed from something funny or enjoyment for weeks, months. Maybe even years.

I think Tyler can see that because his face turns from confusion to a gentle smile. God, I love that smile.

A/N this was a filler I think. I don't know. I'll try and make more happen in the next one.

Stay Alive!

Kidnapped //Tyler Joseph\\Where stories live. Discover now