My Memoir

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My life starts with two really weird and not very smart people getting together and having a baby it started kind of like this. The doctors rush her in as fast as they can. "She's going to give birth any second!" yells the doctor. Six hours of a long hard labor, later there in her hands sits the fattest baby you will ever see. "Veronique Jade will be her name." My mother says. "No, her dad wants it to Corinna." Says my Nana. "He isn't here now is he." "Then name her Shina." "I am not going to name my baby after Shina Twain!" "Janis name her that then." "No!" My nana was the first to ever hold me then goes to have a Cigarette so while she's gone my mom named me Veronique Jade Myers against all other protests. Veronique is French for Veronica, but anyone who calls me that is asking to be punched.

When I was born my sister, Thalia became a big sister. At the age of one year and a half I became a big sister. This didn't matter though because my parents divorced when I was one and my sister Willow went with my mom. By the age of one I was walking and talking. At three my dad told me that I jumped out a car window and danced on tables for money. At Seven I was an older sister of another little girl named Zendell. At eight I left this little angle to live with my horrid mother. I moved from Lincoln Montana to Albuquerque New Mexico to live with my mother.

I moved in with my mother and her boyfriend who me and my sister Willow call six feet under. I hadn't seen my sister in years she had beautiful long blonde hair put in two braids and the brightest blue eyes ever. This at the time seemed to be a blessing, living with my mother that is. I went to a school called Carlos Rey elementary were I had my friend with in just a week, her name was Hailey and we were best friends. Eventually we left Albuquerque and moved to Los Lunes where I went to Peralta elementary. I meet a boy named Justin there he looked just like Justin Bieber, this sparked my liking of Justin Bieber. Until of course he told me he wasn't Justin Bieber.

After second grade I went to foster care because my mom abused me and locked me in a closet for months. I hate this part of my life but it's the reason I am who I am. I went to foster care, I spent two very miserable years there, I went from house to house because my sister and I couldn't wouldn't quite stealing from our care takers. My dad finally got custody of me and it was off to Silver City New Mexico for me and my sister. We moved in with our dad and little sister Zendell across the way lived my Nana the best person in my life. When she would cook you could smell it all over the trailer park. It tasted amazing as well when she made spaghetti you could taste the Italian sausage and Mrs. Dash the most toughs are her favorite ingredients for every pasta. She would give us Klondike ice cream for dessert you could always taste the dark chocolate melt in your mouth. As I knew it would though the happiness in Silver City was gone. I left my friends with an emptiness feeling. All I had was going away from me again it felt horrible I thought I would never make friends. Then we moved to Mansfield Arkansas where I meet the most amazing people in the world.

The first person I became friends with was a guy named Brennon I called him Shaggy because he looks like Shaggy from Scooby doo. He has the long hair tall body slender build and green jacket to top it off. I then later became friends with many more people one being Dylan aka Kaito. He always kept his hair dyed the bangs anyway. I joined the band for Mansfield High and saw what is to be the worst high school football team on the planet play. I later joined drama in ninth grade there was a play, but I chickened out of the auditions and ended up working the ticket booth with Kaito. The only ones who still talk to me today are Kaito and Shaggy. For a while I dated a boy named Braydon who I at the time thought I was in love with. Turns out love is not that easy to find.

I again moved to Silver City New Mexico again were again I meet an amazing person her name was Jade same name as my middle name. She became my only true friend in Silver City. We went to the same high school Silver City High, we were home of the Colts. The worst team besides Mansfield High Tigers that I ever saw play for a high school. The summer before my tenth-grade year I moved in with my Nana my dad got a trailer not far from hers and allowed me to live with her as long as I kept my grades up. We had so much fun when my dad wasn't around, he was such a party pooper. We would always watch the Shannara Chronicles, The Charmed, and Switched at birth. My dad however was never satisfied with the stable life, so his girlfriend Tammie got a van and we went on the road. This too however was not long lived, we went to Pueblo West Colorado to meet my Uncle Bill who we call Uncle Blue. He got this nick name by a guy named Turk wilder who wrote the Texas ranger theme song gave him this name. he mistook uncle blue for a guy who had a van that had music equipment for sale. He strung him along for a little while because they were all drinking when it was time for him to go back and do his set. He mentioned that his name Blue matched his name because he kept hollering for him to play the blues. Forty something years later the name still sticks.

We traveled for months camping in free camp grounds in Colorado when finally, as we all expected my dad and Nana got in to an argument. In the end my Nana was kicked out of the van and Uncle blue let her stay on his couch. One weekend my Uncle Blue cam and got us girls for a "Uncle Blue Weekend" really, we were planning a way to get dad to let us live with him and Nana. Dad came by to see how we were doing, and we talked to him. We made him think that us living with Uncle Blue and Nana was his idea, and as we hoped he took the bait. Now me and My sister Willow live with our Nana and Uncle Blue and are going to Pueblo West High. I have three amazing freshmen friends named Jacob, William, Sarah and two sophomore friends named Heather and Ashley. On Thursday of last week, we took my sister Zendell to live with her mommy in Helena Montana. She is the happiest girl I've seen in years and yes, I'm sad she's gone and forgets she's gone half the time, but I couldn't be happier for her. This is my memoir and I hope it leaves and imprint on people's lives.... wait I know it doesn't.

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