The Thieving Gnome

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There once lived a very curious gnome in a peaceful kingdom. One day he was very bored and walk on to the edge of the Kingdom. There are tales his mamma told about the outside of the gnome kingdom. All she ever said was never leave the kingdom. To leave the kingdom would surely be an asking for death. But curious as this gnome was, he disregarded his mammas wisdom. He left the kingdom in search of some fun to cure is boredom. He walked so far in the wood that he lost he way and couldn't get home. He walked for days and finally came to a village unlike any other he'd ever seen.

The villagers were as tall as seventy gnomes stacked. None of them seemed to notice the gnome he was so small. Hungry as he was, he walked into a building as big as a castle. He climbed the table so he could be seen and asked for some food. He had no money so the man at the table gave him no food. For days he begged outside of the building as big as a castle but still he got no money for food. All the jobs in the village required men bigger than him so he could not work either.

He laid one-night thinking of him mamma and remembered something she said to him. He had just stolen other kids toy and his mamma said to him "Stealing is not okay only those who have no other choice steal." These words gave him and idea. Since he had no other choice, he would steal some money. So, the next day he went into a bar and every time someone would put a tip on the table, he would take it. By the end of the night he had enough money for food, drink, and a room for the night. He did this for years and it became habit,

he was already rich from all the stealing he had done but every chance the gnome got he would grab the tips off the bars table.

One day that bar burned down, and the gnome didn't know what to do. The source of all his money was gone, after years he became broke. He was sad so he took a walk in the woods to clear his mind when he became lost. He stumbled upon the gnome kingdom again. His first stop when he entered the gnome kingdom was the bar where he tried to steal tips again. But it's harder to steal when everyone is the same size as you, so he left the kingdom. Now every town he goes to he lives at the bar stealing every tip put on a table.

One night he meets a girl gnome much like himself. For weeks they talk, happy to have another gnome around for a change. They end up falling in love and being rich. The girl falls ill one day, and I bed ridden the man continues stealing to pay for the medical bills. When she became well again, she married him, and I wish I could say this was a happily ever after but no. You see one day she left him because he wouldn't quite stealing. Whatever mad her hate stealing they never knew. So, after years of living on his own missing his love he stopped stealing. He missed his love and felt incomplete without her, so he set out to find her. Atlas he did and he told her he had stopped but she wanted proof.

For years the gnome went without stealing and was a book keeper for the local library. Finally, she was convinced he had stopped and married him again this time forever. They traveled back to the gnome kingdom and lived happily ever after with 6 children. THE END!

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