The Great Pumpkin Massacre

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It started about a year ago on a nice quite summer night. The air was slightly salty, and the wind had a nice coolness to it. It was a peaceful night, and nothing seemed to be a mist. Then out of the blue everyone heard an ear aching scream, no one thought anything of it. The house on the corner of southern man avenue looked normal with its beige roof and white walls, nice picket fence and nicely mown lawn. It seemed normal on the inside as well except the little drop of blood on the floor and miss Emily Mathews passed out on the floor. Now everyone in town will agree that Emily Mathews was in fact strange, but no one would wish harm upon her. She while lying on the floor was bleeding to death she was rushed to the hospital. She lived miraculously, but she got what people describe as stranger. She was a helpful person, talkative, and a very successful news reporter. After the "accident" she became secluded and changed her job to a barber of all things, and weirdest of all she started to grow a plant that she would refuse to tell anyone the name of. This plant was tall with white petals and red dots on the steam, this was also lightly hairy. That night should have caused alarm or suspicion throughout the town because who in the world changes over night? As the weeks passed more people would scream at night and starts bleeding to death then be saved and become like miss Emily Mathews. Still no one was worried by this, in fact people built more barber shops. What ever happened to miss Emily Mathews and the other people it made them very good barbers and people from all over the world would come to get haircuts.

Then one day as a man named Jayco Stato was getting a haircut had picked the VIP treatment and later that night had suddenly got third degree burns on his head, he later died that night. This happened for weeks when one day a "physic" came into town and shared a prophecy she claimed to have gotten out of a crystal ball.

"People of Different Atmospheres I have to tell you of a cure to all your problems."

"We have no problems in this town!"

Yelled mayor Beach, but he knew that they did have a problem in the town. See over the weeks of the burns people began to think the town was cursed.

"The answer to your problems is a pumpkin but not just any pumpkin this one must be found at midnight. When broken open you will find a black crystal, when found this "curse" as you call it will be lifted off your town."

This started what everyone in town calls the Pumpkin Massacre. Every day at midnight people would go smashing pumpkins. Eventually the town ran out of pumpkins to smash and people gave up. More people died, and no one knows how or why until one day. With my very own eyes I saw what changed all those people into barbers and how all toughs people were getting third degree burns that no one seemed to be able to cure. My mother was making a late-night batch of coffee when the clock striked midnight she disappeared into her coffee pot. I screamed as she did as well when getting sucked in. I pulled the coffee pot to pieces trying to get her out. The grounds of the coffee were so rough and the plastic so smooth yet sharp that I gave up. I woke up hours later and there lay my mother bleeding to death but with only one drop of blood next to coffee pot.

After she lived from this "Accident" she showed me how to grow that ever mysterious plant that is now known as Hogweed. Then she took it another step farther and showed me how to do the VIP treatment as work. She put the razor and scissors that are used for cutting into a green red substance. It smelled like coffee, this I knew was a mix of coffee and Hogweed juice. And after every hair cut done with this treatment ended in uncurbable third degree burns. One day out of the blue somebody found that special pumpkin and cured this town from the horrible "curse". However, the great Pumpkin Massacre just moved on to another peaceful town reining it's life as well. I guess there really is no way to rid of this horrible thing just chase it away to another town.

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