Graves digger

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My name is asad. I am grave digger.
I live in grave yard mostly. When someone died I am happy because it's earns me some money. I know it's selfish reason to be happy for their deaths but their deaths means full stomach. I don't like this to be my profession but I have no degree to get job so ya I am doing this. And for last ten years i saw many deaths and tears. I am returning home of course in graveyard. I was told to dig a grave for someone young name humza. May his soul rest in peace and prey.
I heard my dog barking why am I surprised my dog never barks he is too lazy to do so. I gotta go and check
He was running when I chase him. He was going faster than me he stopped at newly grave which surprised me.
He barks more and more and was standing on a grave like he was telling me something.

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