Starting Somewhere

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The month of January passed without me almost realizing. The only thing I decided was that I should make an improvement on an exam to see if I was going to college this time, but there was another conclusion that I came to after making that decision. The previous year I just made my application and I was hoping to be lucky enough that my low grade would allow me to enter the college that I wanted and that's it, it was as if I had not even tried and so karma had its part and I I could not get in.

Maybe that's what happened, I did not go to college because I did not deserve it, I did not even try, I just hoped that luck was on my side and I had faith in it. At this point I realized that much of the sadness and shame I felt for not having entered college simply disappeared. It was as if something had changed inside me, as if something, in a way, had healed.

This was the first lesson I learned that year: if it's important to you and if it really means something to you, then you have to put all your strength and dedication into it.

That same day I signed up for the exam, I ended up calling my best friend Hayley Carter.

"Hi, look, I just decided to sign up for the exam to improve, so I might even be able to get into university this year"

"Then you did very well, you'll see that this year you're going to come in and then we'll be neighbors in the universities too!" She told me so enthusiastically that even her voice got thinner on the phone.

"I hope you're right ...."

"Shh, you know I'm always right." From her tone I realized she was smiling when she said it.

"How about we go to the sushi tomorrow or later? It will be New Year's lunch together, what do you think?"

I was a little quite just to think about her proposal, after all I did not even go out almost anything or even walk for the whole of January. I thought it was time to change that and so I accepted the lunch that was arranged for the next day at our favorite Chinese restaurant.

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