Affair 0.1

35 4 2

Ashton Fletcher Irwin

"Come on Luke focus for one second please." I sighed.

He was with his mind somewhere else and we had no idea what was going on with him.

"I am sorry." He mumbled.

"We need to talk." Calum decided.

It has been a several days since Luke started acting weird. But like really weird. Not talking, just sitting, not focusing and if you knew Luke not focusing is something weird. He is always the one, being serious about the music and stuff. We are serious too but you know, for him everything needs to be perfect.

"I don't want to talk." Bite Luke to us.

Shocked of his words we looked at him.

"Come Luke, there is something on your mind. We are like brothers you can talk to us. You know that."

He sighed and looked straight into my eyes. A strange feeling went through my bones. Suddenly I felt a little scarred.

"I just miss everyone at home and stress is taking me over."

His voice was only a whispering, probably afraid that someone would hear it and started laughing. I stood up and walked to him, to give him a hug. The sound of sobbing filled my ears. Immediately I pulled him closer to me.

"It is okay, Luke. We miss everyone to and I know you are stressing but you need to relax and enjoy the moments we got." Michael said.

Definitely he was right. Although I don't like to agree that Michael is right. Because most of the time out of his mouth there comes only a hug piece of drool. The feeling that Luke didn't told us the whole truth became stronger when he looked me in the eyes.

"There is something else." I noticed.

He nodded.

"A girl?" Calum asked quietly.

Again he nodded.

"Tell us. If you want too."

Now he shacked his head.

"We can't help you if you don't say something."

"I don't want to talk about it okay?" Luke brought out with frustration clearly audible in his voice.

My gaze slided from Michael to Calum. We were concerned. Normally Luke told us everything and now it seemed like he had closed the doors for us all.

"Guys?" An Irish voice sounded through the hallways.

"Over here." Screamed Michael.

Luke pushed me a bit away from him and just took his cellphone. When Niall entered the room, he left.

"What is going on with him?" The Irish men said.

"We have no idea." Calum sighed.

Maybe Brittany knew what was going on?

"I am going to call Brittany. Maybe she knows what is going on."

The boys nodded as sign that it was a good idea. A little bit clumsy I grabbed my phone and typed babe into my cell. I pushed the button to call her.

"This number is for the moment not available, try it later.", sounded through the phone.

She was calling someone else. Great. With frustration I walked to the kitchen to grab some food, because I was hungry. Luke was sitting there, calling with someone.

"No I can't talk about it Britt although I would love too. The boys won't understand me neither would you, so just drop it please. I will get over it." His voice sounded.

He was calling with Brittany ... Okay now I got why she wasn't available.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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