Five Days Before the First Bomb

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I had already witnessed the first bomb here in Nottingham. Even though there are bombs coming at us quickly, it is still much safer for Katya. Most of the bombs land in Windsor or London. Our neighbours have just lost their son named Robert and their daughter named Pauline while they were out looking for food. The Yulandaz family is very religious and strict. Betty Yulandaz teaches at a school most of the time, but because of the bombings, she has her own private lessons for children. Except, they cost money. Luckily I have extra money for any extra supplies that I can use to pay for private classes for my little Katya! I grabbed a shovel from the corner of my basement. "Minah, help me dig out a passageway to Mrs Yulandaz's classroom." I smiled. "Kirochka, how about you get some rest? I'll start digging."


I woke up from my nap. I was sleeping with Mama last night and she was crying. She started to speak a lot of English but I know none so I didn't understand her! She was on the phone with Babooshka. I think they both don't know much Russian. Babooshka knows none! Mama knows very little.

I met Nimah and Rafa outside their homes today. Mrs Rajput took me inside and told me it wasn't safe out there alone. "Why?" I asked. She told me bad people wanted to hurt us. I looked at her with confusion. Just because I'm six doesn't mean you have to keep secrets from me! Rafa grabbed my hand and showed me to her room. She shares the room with Nimah, a refugee from World War Two. Then Rafa turned on the radio. "There is a war coming. The man on the radio says it is a big one, but my Mom says it's small and won't affect our lives in any way. She's just lying though." Rafa giggled. I looked at Nimah. "Rafa, stop being stupid! You're scaring Katya!" She blurted. I stared at Nimah for another minute. "When does the war start?" I asked. Rafa looked down at her toes. "No, there is no war... Katya, you are safe, don't worry."


Poor Katya. I am ten, I should know better. But still, Nimah is so overprotective for an 18-year-old! I watched Katya walking to my Mommy. Anxiously, I watched to see if she would ask about the war. "I'll be going now," Katya said. Then she left. My Mommy ran over to me and looked me in the eyes. "Now girls, help me prepare the bomb shelter. Make the beds and pack your clothes." 

I walked down to the basement. The room was clean, but it used to be old and dusty. We had been preparing the basement for a year now. Nimah often packed my clothes for me and brought them down. I made the beds and helped Mommy dust the corners. Then we heard a door open upstairs! I immediately knew who it was so I ran to the corner of the room.

It happened fast! Mommy ran upstairs and Nimah joined me in the corner. We heard a lot of crashes upstairs. Plates were falling. Cabinets were being viciously pulled open. We even heard a few gunshots but still heard Mommy's screams so we knew she wasn't the one shot. Then Mommy closed the door behind her and climbed down the ladder.

"Don't worry girls. If we can get through this, we can get through the bombs." She looked shaken up as she said that. Nimah started to cry.

Nimah would never want to die. She said she was grateful to survive the second world war and wants to live long. So when Nimah ran upstairs to sacrifice herself for our hiding spot, I was surprised. It wasn't long before we heard six gunshots be fired at once. Also, these people weren't soldiers. They were what we call "Gangs". The gangs would target homes that hadn't been blown up and steal from them to survive. My Mommy should join one. Maybe we'd be safe if we were on their side.

When the house went silent, Mommy told me to stay down here. I did. A few minutes later she came back down. She looked down at me and managed to smile. "Nimah lived a short life sweetie... but I promise I won't let that happen to you."

I walked upstairs. The first thing I saw was Nimah's body spread across the floor, with paper towels around the blood from Mommy attempting to clean it up. I sat down next to Nimah's body. "The bombs didn't even start. I will update you when they do. You'll probably have rotted by then." I manage to say, gulping at the end. I held her bloody hand. It was cold! I immediately dropped it and looked at where she'd been shot. Two shots in the right leg, a shot in the right arm, a shot in the forehead, and 2 shots in the stomach. It looked like they had been fired from the back. Mommy came upstairs to see me covered in Nimah's blood. "My god!" She cried. We both stared at each other until I walked to the washroom to have a bath before supper.

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