Chapter 8

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Can's POV

Sometimes, Can would really like to find out what exactly Tin's problem was with him.

Besides the fact that he obviously didn't want to have a roommate, he also seemed to have a problem with him personally.

Can had to admit that he had felt hurt when he had returned from the bathroom to find out Tin hadn't waited for him.

Originally, Can had vowed not to make another attempt at getting Tin to warm up to him after this rejection and have breakfast with someone else. But when he had reached the refectory, Can had changed his mind. There weren't many students already up and Can knew none of them.

He had no problems bonding with strangers, but even for him it would have felt weird just sitting down in front of a completely random student and try to start a conversation.

There had been no reason for him to believe that any of his football teammates would come down for breakfast anytime soon, considering the fact that they had stayed out late last night.

So, if Can didn't want to sit miserably all on his own, his only choice had been to swallow his pride and irritation with Tin and sit with him.

The two girls he was with turned out to be quite nice – though Can wondered that Diana was supposedly Tin's ex-girlfriend and not Maria. There seemed to be a lot of unresolved tension between Tin and Maria – or maybe that was why she wasn't an ex, yet. If she were an ex, the tension would have been resolved.

After spending most of breakfast getting to know the two girls and hearing what they had to tell him about his roommate – a grumbling Tin sitting next to them, defeated by the alliance Can had quickly formed with Diana and Maria – Can started to turn his mind towards the rest of the day.

"So... what do people do on Sundays around here?" he asked.

"Studying, mostly, exams are pretty tough," Maria replied, "there are different sports matches and competitions you can go watch, but I suppose the football team doesn't have any games this weekend or you'd know? I don't follow sports, sorry. You could also check if any of the horses are free and go for a ride. Don't know if there's a polo game today, though, then you'd be out of luck. Like I said, not into sports."

Did everyone here just know how to ride horses?

And what the hell was a polo game?

In some ways, Can didn't think he would ever adapt to this school.

"There's also always the library," she sounded hopeful as she suggested it.

"Classes start tomorrow for me," Can mused, "this is probably the only Sunday off I'll have. I want to do something cool."

"You can always go down into town and have ice cream at the boardwalk, there's a nice Italian ice cream parlour you should try," Diana suggested.

Can wasn't sure if ice cream was really what he wanted to eat in this weather, though the sun was now up and it might get reasonably warm... for English weather. Also...

"Maybe something that doesn't cost any money..."

He frowned.

He hated that he had to bring it up. Mentioning money always made him feel vulnerable. Ever since he had learnt about the scholarship, he had feared that money would become a problem.

"Ah, right... you're a scholarship student, I forgot," Diana looked at him apologetically, "don't worry, I'll invite you. Welcoming treat. The boardwalk is quite nice, you really should check it out."

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