Chapter five: Damon's idiocy part2

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Oh my god! I can't believe I went through with this! Caroline mentally screamed to herself. The blonde sat down at the Mistic Grill's bar having her fourth drink. Its really hard getting a vampire drunk.

"Hello kitten" a voice behind Caroline spoke, it sounded old, she couldn't pick out which accent though. Caroline swirled around her stool and saw him, the ancient werewolf. Dark brown curls staggers to his broad shoulders, dark brown eyes stare into her blue ones. He fitted in quite nicely, he wore a worned out red t-shirt and black jeans, with brown work boots to match. Caroline couldn't help but see that he wore beaded necklaces, one creamy white with a oak like brown pattern. The other Black. The were outstretched his hand and Caroline slightly placed hers on his, not expecting her hand to be gently kissed the blonde blushed a pale pink which made the ancient chuckle. Caroline swirled back to her empty glass to order another, the were sat down beside her and ordered a glass of whisky.

"So you know my name, but I don't know yours. Tell me, how is that fair again?" Caroline glanced at the were and saw he was staring at her, she quickly looked down at her drink. He chuckled. How can he find this funny? Caroline began to loose her patience.

"My name is Joseph" he replied taking a swig at his glass of whisky.

"huh" Caroline honestly didn't care she wanted to leave this damn place and snuggle in her bed, where its warm and safe. Then she felt four presences in the building. "Uhm so why haven't we seen you here, like ever before? I mean we've beaten most of the bad guys around here."

Joseph chuckled and took another swig at his drink.

"well that's because I've been trapped in a stone coffin." he says matter-of-factly. Wow just like any other bad guy, why doesn't any witch come up with a different scheme?

Then and there Damon pounced on Joseph pulling him down to the ground, Tyler and Silas tried to pin him down but struggled to do so. Joseph pushed Damon and Damon flew backwards crashing into every table until he crashed through the wall. With one hand free Joseph punched Tyler and pushed Silas towards the bar, Silas smashed through the counter causing Caroline to jump from her seat. the hybrid pounced onto the were, his eyes glowing gold. Joseph chuckled and threw the week mutt onto the ground and grabbing ahold of his neck Caroline heard a snap. All that was left was her and Stefan. But ur was too late Stefan's limp body crashed to the ground....

Caroline took a deep breath still quivering "and-and then.... then he... he" Klaus could see it, her fear. Klaus wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest, Klaus' face berried in her hair. Caroline couldn't stop herself from trembling. The blonde let out a sob and held onto Klaus' shirt.

"shh shh, your all right now." Klaus whispered reassuringly in her ear as she kept trembling and the tears kept falling. Elizabeth was struck with great awe.

I'll kill him, how dare he touch Caroline! Was all Klaus could think of.

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