Chapter Eighteen: Caught out

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Caroline lazily sits on the window seat in Klaus' room, her emotions were all over the place and she just wanted to get it over with. To kill Joseph and be with Klaus, which kind of scares her. What? Wy am I scared? I love him don't I? Caroline puts her face in her hands. Why am I confused? Caroline sensed another presence in the room, it was Klaus. She didn't bother looking up and facing him. The hybrid hesitatingly sat down beside her.

"Love?" Klaus' voice barely a whisper, Caroline did not reply. Klaus touched her wrist slightly and she obediantly lifted her head. Caroline looked tired and weak. Klaus sighed heavily.

"Im confused" the blond finally spoke.

"About?" Klaus' voice was calm and collected. Caroline didn't reply, even though the hybrid knew what she was going to say. Klaus sighed once more and moved closer to her. Their lips slightly touched and left a warm ghostly feeling, his hands gently touched the side of her face. Both of them hesitating, but both yearning. Klaus couldn't stand it, he kissed her softly. And surprisingly Caroline kissed back. Their lips moving to a slow rythm. Caroline pulled back and stared into Klaus' eyes, those eyes darkened with desire and she gave in. Caroline kissed his lips with great emotion, at first Klaus was a little shocked but he then moved to a different rythm. Caroline's arms were wrapped around his neck, Klaus' hands were on her waist. Both of them wanting more.

"Well this looks hot and heavy"  both of them pulled away quickly and stared at the familiar voice, it was Silas. "Oh no, don't mind me. JUst observing" Silas smirked devilishly. Klaus growled and Caroline tried to think of a topic to calm him down before he does something reckless.

"The plan!" Caroline yells, both men looked at her with shock written in their faces. She coughed awkardly "uh, the plan. H-how's it going?"

"Well we haven't done anything. Kol and Elijah had given some ideas but... well..." Silas lookes around the bedroom.

"Well?" Klaus demanded an answer.

"Well the ideas suck, I mean Joseph is smarter than that. He'll see right through them all." Silas sighed out of boredom.

"Ok, well lets think of another idea" Caroline smiles and shoots off the window seat and briskly walks out of the room. Both men left in silence.

"Sorry to be the fun police. You two were enjoying it weren't you?" Silas smirked.

Damn you. Was all klaus could think of.

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