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As the dark, almost pitch-black wet tube creaked and splashed, the BLU Medic could have sworn to see a familiar face. He shuddered. He didn't believe what his eyes were telling him, though: there was no possible way anyone was down there, unless it was a filthy RED. And since it was turning to dusk, the ceasefire began between the two clans. Neither of them were allowed to peek at each other's bases; it was forbidden. But for some reason, although feeling as if the sewers were dangerous, he couldn't help but put a leg forward, further inspecting the long, wet, metal tube.
He was interested in going down into the sewers; he had never gone there before; it was too hazardous for him. He was quite upset he never got to experience the pure horror and dread of feeling like you could die at any given moment as all his other teammates had. He wanted to be given a chance to feel that way; he was a maniac; it was normal for him to feel such a way. As he was a bit lost in his thoughts again, he heard a rough splash, bringing his attention to the end of the sewers, where blinding lights contrasted to the darkness of the tube. However, he saw nothing.
He adjusted his glasses, and squinted his eyes, before giggling. "I can't believe I zhink I'm seeing zhings," he muttered to himself, turning around and putting his hand on the railing and climbing up a few stair steps, before hearing a sharp cry echo throughout the sewers. He stopped, and his whole body was filled with excitement. He ran back down the stairs to the sewers. "Hallo! Ist da jemand?" he cried out. "Vhere are you...?" he pondered with his thick german accent in a sweet-as-sugar tone, looking into the water-filled tunnel.
He took his first step into the sewers, his boot being covered in the sticky, greenish-clear liquid. He almost shrieked at the sight; it was disgusting to see his clothes be treated in such a manner by the urban environment. He retracted his foot, and took his boot off before shaking it to get all the liquid out. He knew for sure that if he wasn't to wear his shoes, he would most likely get hypothermia, but it wasn't guaranteed that he wouldn't get it with them still attached to his feet.
Once he mentally prepared himself for the icky, gooey tube, he took a few more steps into the sewers. A shiver went up his spine. He didn't feel safe, and it was amazing. The thought of him possibly being killed by a RED Spy was astounding. He couldn't believe it, and he gushed at the thought. With this in mind, he took a dozen more steps into the dark abyss, and a dozen more, and then a few more, until he reached the end. "Hallo?" he questioned, hoping someone would answer.
More devious splashes could be heard further in the sewers, acting as if the person who was doing it, in fact, wanted the Medic's attention. He giggled to himself maniacally, and did a little dance on the spot, gleeful that someone finally noticed him and was giving him the attention that he wanted for oh, so long. As he was focused on what he would be encountering, he heard a familiar, weak voice cry out, "Medic..." he stopped, and started shaking. He looked down from the place he started his adventure from, Bu nobody was there. Somebody unknown was in fact, further down the tunnel.
However, he was now terrified. who was the man that called out his name? He couldn't pinpoint it; they sounded so weak and in danger. He wanted to help them, but he wanted to see what would happen to them as well if he stayed put. But he couldn't. The man had already recognized him; knew he was there; he had to go further. "Vho is zhere?" he asked in a commanding voice, expecting an answer, but only a sigh from his own body echoed through the walls and curved of the tunnel.
He ventured further into the tunnel, twisting and turning a few times, before he reached a huge pool of water. He stared into it, seeing nothing; no shadows floating from underneath the water, and certainly no bodies. He sighed. Was this a big waste of time? Was he just imagining things? He wanted to start crying his eyes out, and he certainly did because of his extreme sensitivity and tiredness, with the mindset that no-one was around to hear him. "Gott, I'm such a failure," he choked in between sobs. Tears rolled down his face and he gasped for air as if he were drowning in them.
What further escalated his feelings of misery was the fact that his team couldn't care less about where he was; who he was either. They didn't care. They only wanted him for the health he distributed among them. The only teammate that showed the most care and affection towards him was their team Spy, but he had gone missing a few months ago, and the Administrator thought it would be best to call in a new one; in his words, someone that wouldn't respect him as much as the old one did.
The Spy was the only teammate he felt a deep connection with. He didn't know why he felt this way; maybe since they both shared signs of sadomasochism, but almost everyone in his team did. He would have pondered for a rather long time if something slimy and cold didn't coat the bottom of his leg. He let out a girly scream, and looked down at his leg, seeing nothing but darkness. He had forgotten he was unable to see this area of his body since it wasn't shining in the moonlight like the pool of water was.
He tried retracting his leg, but he ended up slipping and falling into the muddy water as he had the breath knocked out of his chest, losing his glasses in the process. His head was held underwater for what seemed like an eternity before he finally had the strength to push it up, gasping for air, and turning his body around so he was practically on his stomach, attempting to crawl back into the tunnel where he came. But he couldn't: He was being held in place by this mysterious force. He turned his head to look back again at what had him stuck, but as he did, he only saw what looked to be a deep shades of blue before his face was smashed into the metal wall of the tube and his vision went dark.

the other side of the tunnel - [tentaspy x medic]Where stories live. Discover now