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          As the Medic's eyes fluttered open, he began choking on the excess water that was left n his mouth. He gasped for air once his co thing fit was finished, and he rubbed his eyes. "Vhere... Vhere am I..?" he asked himself, unknowing of the man sitting in the corner, who was observing his every move. He tried opening his eyes, though the blinding light in the room made him shake in pain. He closed them and tried to recall what had happened the previous night. Most of the memories were there, but he couldn't entirely piece out what happened to him. Was it all a dream? Did he stop his adventure here and fall into a deep sleep?
          No, that couldn't be the case. He didn't have his glasses, after all, and a man of science could never lose them unless someone had done something to them. "Is anybody here..? Bitte..." He asked slowly, hoping that the Soldier, the Heavy, hell, even the Scout, was there, or anywhere around him, to try and help him. The strange, unidentified man in the corner of the room shifted awkwardly. He wanted to answer, but he couldn't. He couldn't muster up the courage to talk to the man he had just assaulted only a few hours ago. He let out a small breath, hoping the doctor wouldn't hear it, and he reached into his pocket to retrieve the man's glasses. They, surprisingly, were in almost-mint condition, and he was glad. He didn't want to harm the doctor in any way: he just wanted the Medic to help him.
          The mysterious and secretive man rubbed the Medic's shoulder sweetly, before returning the glasses to him, and making a dash towards the tunnel filled with water, out of the Medic's sight. The doctor heard everything. He was a smart man. He knew this mysterious person wouldn't comply that easily, and he didn't want them to, but some part of him just wanted to know who they were. He shook his head, and began to walk down the tunnel, back towards his own fortress. The water felt normal against his legs, unlike how it had felt the night before. He sighed.
          As the doctor walked into his blue-colorés fortress, he couldn't help but feel lonely, sickly, and abandoned by everyone he thought were his teammates; his friends. He soon ventured out of his base, walking further down the desert road to find the BLU mansion. Once he had opened the door, he was greeted with the faces of his teammates; the only one being concerned about his disappearance was the Heavy, and as the doctor ran back to his medical room, the bigger man followed.
          As the Medic pushed the door open, he began lifting the muddy medical shirt off of his chest; the buttons coming undone by themselves, one by one, as it was ripped off of his body. "Where has leetle doktor been?" He heard a deep, Russian voice call out to him once he had finally gotten his shirt off. "Ah... Misha," the Medic chuckled sadly, looking back at the bigger man. "Do not vorry about me... I am fine; I vas just checking up on something," he answered, tossing the muddy garment into his hamper and continuing down the slope to his room where his clean jackets were located.
          "Doktor, Misha is not stupid. You were gone for whole night. Was worried sick," the Heavy said sweetly, clear concern coating the words he spoke. "It's okay, I promise mien friend. I got lost; that's all," the Medic completed once more. The Heavy nodded, standing in place for a moment and eyeing the Medic before leaving the doctor alone by exiting his bay. The Medic loved the company of the bigger man, however, he hated that he worried so much. The doctor could take care of himself; he didn't need someone watching over him at all times. He was fine...
Most of the time, at least.
          The Medic thanked the gods that he didn't need to go out and battle again today. He had a major headache that was practically killing him. It must have been from the time he slipped and had his head smashed onto the metal tube. The doctor shuddered as the scene replayed in his head. He walked over to the side-room, inside his medical room. There was a comfy bed for him to sleep on for as long as he wanted. He sighed happily, taking his boots off before entering, yet leaving his pants on.
          After he was half-naked, he walked to the side of his bed, climbing in, and wrapping himself in his blue covers. He wished they were red, but he was on BLU, so it would be very contradictory, but he put up with it. He snuggled his head into the soft, feathered, white pillow and let out a moan of satisfaction. It had been quite a while since he slept in his bed. Even before he ventured into the sewers and got head trauma, he used to be up all night at his work desk finishing paperwork, and most of the time, he fell asleep in his rough, hard, wooden chair.
          The Medic couldn't help but feel alone once more. He wished he had someone in his bed that he could hold and touch, just like how the Engineer had the Soldier to hold and to love. He couldn't stop thinking of the sewers, and of the mysterious man there. How that man, who he barely knew, showed more affection and care to him than almost his whole team. Who was he? The Medic's thoughts trailed off as he began to slide his hand across his toned chest, letting out a shaky, silent breath.
          It felt absolutely pathetic to touch himself, even if it wasn't being done in an overly-lewd manner. He sighed, and retracted his hand from his chest, placing it underneath his pillow. He hoped that someday he would meet that man in the sewers again and he hoped that his fantasies about the unknown would stop.

the other side of the tunnel - [tentaspy x medic]Where stories live. Discover now