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A/N: 1760 words yikes, long chapter but it's interesting I hope? I'm going to do some editing later on once the story is complete, so sorry if it's bad right now 😅

Thanks for being patient!

"You ready, Rosé?" Antoine asks me, as we board a bus to the main area of the amusement park.

To be put plainly, I'm not ready at all. I'm probably catching a cold or something, because for the past few days my head has been pounding every morning. Just the thought of sitting back up on a roller coaster with the fear of it breaking down again haunts me.

I don't want to ruin the others' day, though. I nod in apprehension, as we find our seats on the bus. I'm sitting in the window seat, Amelia is and Lucas are in front of me, and Antoine is sitting next to me.

As we get settled in, I feel a weight on my shoulder. Something tickles at my neck, and I chuckle softly, knowing that it's Antoine's extremely fluffy hair.

"You know," he says softly, "I kinda wish that this wasn't a double date."

"Why?" I ask, leaning my head towards his.

"Because I just want to spend time with you. And you only." He pouts.

My heart warms to his words, the growing knot inside tightening. I know Antoine loves roller coasters, but I can't help remembering the terrifying feeling of being stuck fifty meters up in the air for half an hour.

"Maybe this... wasn't a good idea." I suddenly tell him.

I feel his head lifting.


I don't respond, and just continue looking out the window, trying to ignore my headache. Antoine lifts the armrest between our seats, and he leans into me once again. I feel his soft lips peck my neck, and a small smile cracks onto my face.

"What's up?" He asks in concern.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." I assure him.

"You promised you would tell me anything that bothers you." He reminds me.

"Why do you have to know everything?" I respond, rather harshly.

His face instantly melts into an expression I can't read. By that, I can already tell that I've hit a nerve by accident.

Of course he wants to know everything. He doesn't want a repeat of what happened to Belle.

"Sorry, I just kind of have a headache right now," I sigh, rubbing at my temples. "I didn't mean to lash out like that."

He seems to relax a bit, before planting a kiss on my head.

"We can go back if you want, I'll just tell Lucas and Amelia that you aren't feeling well." He says softly.

"No, no, no. It's perfectly fine, in fact I think I'll be able to deal with it."

"If you ever feel dizzy or faint please tell me as soon as possible." He responds. "I don't want..."

"I know. I will." I cut him off gently so he won't drown in a pool of negative emotions before our nice date.

"Thank you." He says, understanding my gesture and looking straight into my eyes.

Once again, the cold air around me suddenly turns warm as I look right back at him. Our eyes are locked, his gorgeous baby blues staring back at my hazel eyes. The edges of his lips curl upward, his perfect jaw twitching ever so slightly. He's a perfect combination of adorable yet so, so handsome and alluring.

translated ♛ || a. griezmannWhere stories live. Discover now