Till Death Do Us Part- Kidge

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(When the paladins are older.)

Keiths POV

Running. We were running.

Shiro told us about this mission to go on. We were ex Paladins of Voltron, going on a mission.....with high tech weapons. Lance and Hunk were a bit behind, but behind them was Pidge.

Or should I say, almost Mrs. Kogane. Me and Pidge have been engaged for almost a year, and yet she was behind.

We were being chased by some sort of destructive droids. Trying to dodge every bullet I run behind to grab Pidge. Lance and Hunk looked at me confused, but I told them I would catch up.

"Hey shorty!" I teased. "Oh, shut up ponytail." She said back.

I grabbed her hand and picked her up bridal style. "KEITH!"

"What you were behind."

She giggled a little but we managed to catch up to Hunk and Lance.

"Took you guys long enough!" Lance said running out of breath.

I then set her down and still held onto her hand.

"There are too many droids!" Pidge yells.

"We have to find some sort of way to stop them."

We then ran into a cave and hid ourselves, until I felt Pidge's hand let go of mine.

I looked at her as she sadly looked down.

"I know a way to stop them......." She whispered. I looked down to see her pull out a device.

"I can go out there....a-and....use myself as...a-a...human grenade......because this device will activate my suit........and then you guys can run....."

I looked at her. "Pidge, i'm not letting you do this.... let me go.." I said. But she looked at me and sadly said..."It's only programmed into my suit Keith....and none of the weapons we have are strong enough to get all the droids."

I looked down as a couple tears hit my cheeks.

I felt her grab my hand.

"I've....known you for a long time.....and I don't think I could've found anyone better....I....Katie Holt.....take thy...Keith Kogane.....as my lawfully wedded Husband....in sickness or in health....."

I could see the tears stream down her face just like me.

I went along. "I wouldn't have wanted to spend....the rest of my life with anyone else...unless it was you....I-I....Keith Kogane.....take thy....Katie Holt...to be my lawfully wedded Wife....in sickness or in health......."

"Till death do us part......." She whispered. "I do."

"I do..." I whispered back.

"You may now kiss the bride..." she said softly.

We then kissed. I tried to savor every bit of it.

We looked at each other.

"I love you Keith..."

"I love you too."

She smiled and let go of my hand running out from our cover spot.

I sat there tears falling down my face.

Until I heard it........an explosion was heard and I kept sobbing.

Hunk and Lance looked at me from the other side of the cave also crying.

I then realized there was something in my hand........it was her ring.

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