Chapter1:The dream

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I do edit so yeah thats a thing

And on to the story

Red. That was all that could be seen. The sky was red. The clouds were red. The ground spotted and speckled in infinitely varying shades of red. Even the fires that adorned the blackened monstrosities that used to be the beautiful palaces of Alagaesia were red.
How did this crimson veil originate?

Blood. It was everywhere, giving everything a crimson haze. There was so much of it, it made the soil soft and your boots sang into the ground. Blood so palpable in the air you could smell and taste its iron ,coppery essence. Crows dove down from high places invisible to the eye jubilantly singing the encore to the choruses of war. They screeched in delighted glee as they tore into the corpses of my people, drunk on the blood spilling from within them.

Then, someway, somehow the scene changed. It was still the same blood, gore and bodies, but something was different. As if among all the heat from the  fires. The tempreture managed to drop to negative duo decillion degrees celsius. The crows stopped their feasting to behold the figure of a man rising from among the dead. Upon seeing him,
fear like a skilled musician strumed a discordant harmony of its own essence down my spine.

He stood there, his ethereal beauty out of place in such a grotesque scene. He walked among the dead without faltering as though on even ground. He sauntered, casually toward me. I stood there immobile, frozen in time. He slowly lifted a sword fabricated out of hellfire in his large pale hand. His golden eyes searched my face  as though looking for my every fault and misdeed. Then, without warning, pain . White. Hot. Pain seared through my entire being enveloping my body in its suffoacating embrace. I looked down and watched as the blade pierced through my heart. I couldn't cry. I couldn't scream. I couldn't move. My eyes met his and he smiled relishing in my obvious agony. The suffering, the blood, the carnage, the bodies, he was completely comfortable reveling on it all. That smile was the last thing I saw as my mind descended into darkness.

I woke with a start...

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