Chapter 1

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(Jewel's POV)

It's another hot day in California. My friend Hazel is here with me. My parents are working well that's what they say

They aren't really at home. They are usually at parties. To them it's work. I invite my friends over so I won't be home alone.

"Jewel look"

She turned the volume up on the TV. It was this girl band Little Mix playing.

I am a fan. I love their songs.

"Jewel have they ever told you, you look like Perrie"

"Yeah but I do not look like Perrie, she is way prettier than me...wait not pretty she's gorgeous"

She laughed. "You do the same blue eyes, blonde hair and...well almost everything"

"Whatever" the song was over.

"What should we do now"

"Lets stalk people" she laughed. Hazel is weird but the good weird.

"Ok" we got on our phones and did some stalking.


Short I know

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