Cold Urticaria

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Reading a story has given me the courage to tell everyone this. I have a genetic mutation called Cold Urticaria. It's a possibility deadly, depending on the severity, disease which doctors have done little to no research on. No, it is not a cancer, but that is the awareness ribbon. Now, Cold Urticaria is an reaction in which cold temperatures can cause hives and the swelling of throats. I happen to be extreamly sensitive. This past year, I was playing in the snow when suddenly my entire leg went numb and swelled up. That's when I was diagnosed. Then, over the summer, I went swimming. Let's just say, as soon as I jumped in, I needed am EpiPen. Cold Urticaria is serious, people. Many people have it even worse than me. My bedroom has to be constantly heated so that my throat doesn't close. Spread awareness of this, please. There isn't a cure for it. Doctors have pratically ignored it. It's not fair. It's not fair to those who want to have fun swimming and playing in the snow and drinking slushies.

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