All I Ever Wanted (intro)

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"OMG!!" Sarah squealed when she noticed her crush was staring at her. "Chill Sarah my crush... OMG!! Jonathan is staring directly at me!" Rebecca said almost turning red. My friends had always been that way. Wrapped up in their crushes. I mean I can't be to quick to judge since I have a major crush on the most popular guy in school. Grayson. He probably doesn't even know I exist.

It was a typical Monday. Just like always Rebecca, Sarah, and I sat together. They would freak out over their crushes and I would sit on my own bench next to them reading or writing in my journal.

I was considered a "cool" kid whatever that meant, but my mom always called me her "little nerd." Those don't really go together. I was apart of the cheerleading squad like most of my friends were, but that's not what I really want to do. I've always wanted a join a book club or writing club, but "cheer always comes first," as Sarah likes to say. I only do cheer so I can see Grayson. He's on the football team known as the MVP. He has blue eyes and blonde hair that he always left undone and covered up halfway by a hoodie. He always wore the same ripped jeans and black t-shirt. If only he was mine.

All of a sudden I snapped back into reality when I felt someone rub up against my arm. I couldn't catch who it was when it happened, but when I turned around I saw a familiar face. "Sorry, Blondie!" I heard him call. "Grayson," I thought.

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