chapter 7: mine

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I didn’t know where we stood.

One thing I did know:

Every day,

Emotions bubbled up in me.

Some I didn’t even know I had.

Not only did this make me feel on top of the world—

It scared the living shit out of me.

My feelings were exposed like open wounds.

I laced up my shoes,

And threw on my bulletproof vest.

Because I finally opened myself.

Let myself straight out on the battlefield.

With no back up.

I prepared to get hurt.

However, in that moment,

I felt anything but hurt.

Something that hasn’t happened in such a long time.

It was foreign.


We texted throughout the day,

And talked basically every single night.

It became routine.


After I finished my homework,

I sat on my bed with my laptop,

And logged into chat.

In “main,”

Which is what the chat rooms are called,

Lexi, Brian, Alex, Natasha, Travis, Thomas, Rachel, and Angie were online.

There were a few stragglers that I didn’t know around,

And a few new people that have been around for a week.

I didn’t know their names.

Lexi: Laneyyyyyyyy!

Me: Hey, lol.

Alex: Hey, Laney[:

Lexi: gag me.

Rachel: same.

Angie: aw!

Me: did I miss something?

Alex: lol.

Lexi: *sigh* no, we’re just wishing we could be as cute as you.

Me: I’m so lost…

Alex: shut up >___>

Thomas: lololol

Rachel: guys. I have a test over Of Mice and Men tomorrow.

Rachel: and…

Rachel: I haven’t totally finished it yet.

Brian: then fucking finish it?

Travis: ^^^

Angie: hey! That’s not nice.

Rachel: I’ll finish it eventually. He kills him in the end, right?

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