Part 1: Fishy

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Mya Sugars POV

The house was quaint and looked very 'lived' in. The cold grey steps leading up to the house had small hand prints with children's names inside. Abbie, Age two, Lizzie, Age four, Maddie May, age four,  Rumiano seven, and Romeo- the oldest of the bunch age 10. All with different symbols by there name.

I stepped out of the car as they driver opened the door and handed him my spare change in my pocket. I had been sitting in the car for about a hour before and had found it in the jacket Noah lent me. God I missed him already.

Did he know? Did he know we were thousands of miles away from each other? Or did he not care- maybe even happy he got a nasty fly out of his life. I looked up at the house and nodded, I was confident that I would have to do most of the cleaning and such. I would probably make most of the mess myself, guessing that a old fisherman probably didn't make much of a mess besides a making the house smell like fish.

I walked up the steps, paying close attention to each name. Then I spotted my mother's name, Maddie May. I had really never met her, I was a baby when she... disappeared. Chloe never knew if she died or left us with our father, they were just gone one day when I was a new born and that was that.

I stood at the door and knocked softly before realizing there was a door belly right under the mall box that read 'Abrutzi' with a small fish next to it. I waited patiently and sniffled my nose, getting ready to meet whoever was gonna take care of me for the next few months.

A older but strangly fit man opened the the door, he was at least fifty and had a white T-shirt on that really hugged his triceps. "Hi Mya, come on in..." He said in a hushed tone, it must of been early in the morning right? I didn't even really know them time difference, but I knew I was wide awake after sleeping on the plane for god knows how long.

"Hi Uncle, is it okay for me to call you that...?" I asked, unsure of myself and my meaning to him. I took a step inside the house and slipped off my shoes before taking another step and pulled the suitcase inside. I hadn't realized how hot it was outside till I felt the air conditioning and the multiple fans brush against my face.

"Ofcourse sweetheart, now ill show you your room. Are you okay with making breakfast for yourself? I have to get on the boat in about twenty minutes.,," He said quickly and closed the door behind her and then lead her to the back of the house too small bedroom. He opened the newly painted white door with the unique gold door handle and pushed it open.

The room was absolutely stunning, it looked like a actual room from one of thoose movies. "I hope this is okay, I just grabbed some things from the flea market in France when I was up there.. that's when your sister contacted me actually..." He explained and quickly took the suitcase out of my hands.

I smiled brightly as he showed me around the room. Maybe this would be better than I thought. I knew I was across the world from Noah but why did he need to the center of the world for me. We aren't even dating. Plus wasn't this the opportunity of a lifetime? Sure I was going to forget about him, would I ever? When I tell my daughters about my first love am I gonna have to think real hard about his name or is it gonna roll off my tounge easier than their father's name?

Or maybe their father will be Noah, and he'll be rocking the baby asleep in the other room while on the phone handling business...

Then I realized I was day dreaming when the front door closing suddenly almost made me fall over. I pushed my suitcase into the corner too look back up to wear my uncharted was standing. But he wasn't there, I could hear his ancient voice in the other room talking to somone much younger.

I decided to study the room a little more, I would be staying here for the three months. I looked at the little pictures frames on the wooden desk. One of the pictures, in a white lacy frame, looked stunningly like myself. Then next to a man, who was tall and dark and looked like my older brothers. It was most likely my parents, young and beautiful. Tragic what they turned into.

A few hours later, once the days heat wore off. I stepped out of the bedroom, I had changed my clothes, now wearing a simple almost vintage dress. My uncle was outside, I could hear him chuckling about something with another man. The one that came earlier, that took all the attention off of myself and made the old man drop everything to go converse with the other man.

I looked around the hallway, decorated with dozens of pictures. All of family I've never met. Then I wandered out to the kitchen, my eyes wide as the site caught my eyes.

A boy- a man, who looked like every other man in my dreams stood Infront of the basket of flowers. My great-uncle standing next to him.

"This is the girl I've been telling you about Raffeal..."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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