On the tip of my tongue

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My suitcase is packed, goodbyes are on the tip of my tongue. 70 days, 50 sessions, 2 events and countless incredible moments later we are finally at the end of our journey.

The last 3 months have been the most intense of my life. I have faced my biggest fears, overcome challenges and taken on so many obstacles. I've met amazing people, had my heart broken and made life-long friends.

This has been nothing like I expected. I have paddled in lake Victoria, shopped in local markets, seen the source of the River Nile and even eaten grasshoppers. That was all cool and exciting, but comes part in parcel with any kind of traveling, and I'm ready to leave all that behind for home comforts now.

What I didn't expect and am not ready to leave is a family. I found a family with my team, with my siblings, with local youths and young mentors, with the other Restless & Balloon volunteers, even with the staff & regulars of the shops/restaurants I frequent here.

This weekend one of the national volunteers told me he wished we had never met because it was too hard to say goodbye. Part of me understands, but I could never regret meeting any of the people here. We have learned from eachother and grown together in ways we never expected.

The thought of leaving Uganda breaks my heart. I am ready to go home, but I will miss lazy days off & Novida at Sol View. I'll miss having to go on rooftops with epic views to smoke. I'll miss the constant sunshine and the brutal rainstorms. I'll miss boda bodas and the joy it brings to locals when I speak Lusoga. Mostly I'll miss my family, counterparts and my new friends.

I am ready to go home, but I will leave pieces of my heart scattered all over Uganda, the Pearl of Africa.

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