Part time job - 1

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Same night. At Nidhi's house. Nidhi is watching television. Her sis 'Khushi' is a year younger also more mature than Nidhi.

Khushi: How was your school, sis?

Nidhi: It wen well..... I guess.

Khushi: Did you join any club?

Nidhi: Yea the light music club. And tomorrow I am going with them to find a guitar for me.

Khushi: Oh I see.

Next day after school our girls went to the Music shop named 'rhythm'. It was a wonderful shops with the latest instruments and new albums.

Rutika: Wow there are lots of guitar here.

She saw Nidhi admiring a guitar which is brownish in colour, with red shade colour.

Nidhi: I like this one.

Rutika: Then buy it.

Nidhi: I didn't bring the money I thought we came to only see. And also I don't have much pocket money.

Shitika: What about doing a part time job?

Rutika: I am surprised to know that its coming out of your mouth.

Shitika: Don't underestimate me.

Preksha: I thought about that too, and here I have a flyer about a part time job, its at a library.

Nidhi: The sound of library seems cool.

Shitika: Then what are we waiting for lets go.

Rutika: Wait a minute, Shitika. First we have to talk to the library owner and then we have to get on for work.

Nidhi: And as a leader, Shitika will talk, right?

Rutika: *giggles* Yep.

Preksha: Yea, I know the address and Shitika can talk to the owner.

Shitika: *getting nervous* I guess....

They all go the library to meet its owner. It was an old lady, she smiles as she looks at them.

Owner: Is there something I can do for you, young girls?

All the girls looked at Shitika, for her to speak.

Shitika: We

Rutika: *sighs* We saw your flyer about a part time job and was interested.

Owner: I see. Well then it can't be helped. You can start off from tomorrow.

They all smiled and bowed to her, while returning home they parted their ways. Nidhi was excited that she would get the guitar. Preksha was happy to know that she is going work part time. Shitika was sulking that she didn't perform her duty well. Rutika was getting ready for a new day with her new friends.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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